The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
Dear friends and colleagues,
The natural wonders of Latin America & the Caribbean and Climate Change have been the undisputed focus of attention of this last month. In Belize, the Telephone Directory highlighted sites in the Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System. Dozens of species were discovered in Guyana by the WWF Biodiversity Assessment Team and Global Wildlife Conservation. WWF and Tetra Pak inaugurated new recycling stations in Guatemala. Colombia celebrated the Earth Hour by reaffirming its commitment to sustainable mobility. In Ecuador, Earth Hour invited citizens to take action against climate change through their daily routine. WWF-Peru joined efforts with other organizations to protect sea turtles on the Peruvian coast. In Chile, H&M and WWF launched a children's clothing collection to protect endangered animals. WWF celebrated the recovery of 70 Pantanal springs in Brazil. WWF in Paraguay and Brazil, and Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina presented the results of 15 years of work in the Atlantic Forest. At the international level, WWF released a statement about the US decision to roll back progress made on key climate change policies. And a record number of countries and territories in our region and the world joined Earth Hour 2017 to change climate change! Enjoy the reading,
Roberto Troya
Vice President & Regional Director, WWF-LAC
Telephone directory highlights Belize’s World Heritage Site
On March 30th, 2017, WWF partnered with Belize Telemedia Limited (BTL) to launch the 2017 Belize Telephone Directory featuring the in-danger Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System (BBRRS) World Heritage Site. Partnering with BTL on this initiative gives us a unique opportunity to put much needed awareness in the homes and businesses of all Belizeans. The cover and "All About Belize" sections of the directory highlight the world heritage site through vibrant images and information on the seven protected areas that make up the BBRRS.
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Biodiversity Survey Team Uncovers Dozens of New Species in Guyana
A team of intrepid explorers has uncovered more than 28 species new to science as part of a Biodiversity Assessment Team (BAT) survey in Guyana’s little-explored South Rupununi Savannah. The first in a series of different team’s reports from WWF-Guyana and Global Wildlife Conservation, outlines the discovery of 12 species of fish, 1 species of bat and 15 species of aquatic beetles were new to science. Between 10 and 15 percent of ant species the team collected were also new to science. More information and the links to download the full scientific report and the its lighter "booklet" version is available here.
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New recycling stations in Guatemala
On March 22, WWF Guatemala / Mesoamerica with the support from Tetra Pak, inaugurated the Green Recycling Stations located in Guatemala City and its surroundings. With these stations, Guatemalan families will be able to deposit their recycling materials such as paper, plastic, cans, glass and Tetra Pak containers. This action is the result of the commitment established during the 2016 Earth Hour, in which WWF and its allies agreed to install recycling stations to help them deliver their recycling materials throughout the city. With this event, WWF commemorated World Water Day, due to the relation that the efficient material disposal management has over the quality of water bodies in the country.
Colombia reaffirms its commitment with sustainable mobility
More than 8.000 people in 11 cities of the country joined simultaneous cycle trips coordinated by WWF Colombia. The activity took place during Colombia's Earth Hour 2017 celebration and is part of a new local initiative called Móntate en el cambio (Ride the Change). The latter promotes sustainable mobility and invites people to use the bicycle as an ecofriendly means of transportation. Its first edition resulted in three universities (Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Universidad de Los Andes from Bogotá and Universidad Javeriana from Cali) being granted a sustainable mobility system, each of which included a fleet of 20 bicycles, administration of the system for six months and insurance during a whole year. These educational institutions won after 45.000 users voted online. Also, millions of users shared their experiences using the hashtag #MóntateEnElCambio.
Climate action shines in Ecuador
This year, Earth Hour invited Ecuadorian citizens to join climate action through their daily routine. The campaign "Planéctate: your routine for the planet" aimed at making citizens aware of the power of advocacy they have through their decisions, highlighted four key aspects: the responsible use of energy and water, the responsible consumption of food and the reduction of waste. More than 20 restaurants in Quito, Guayaquil and Puerto Ayora - Galapagos, joined the campaign`s Gastronomic Tour for the Planet.
Marine Turtles: Joining efforts for their conservation in the Peruvian coast
Peru has one of the highest bycatch rates of marine turtles in the Eastern Pacific. Our country has over 100 fishing ports, which are distributed along 3,000 km of coastline, with some 15,000 artisanal fishing vessels and more than 40,000 fishermen. Therefore, WWF-Peru, together with various local organizations and fishermen, work to reduce the impacts of bycatch in longline and gillnet fisheries, through its project "Reducing turtle bycatch in the Eastern Pacific".
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Clothing colection of WWF and H&M arrives to Chile
Wonderful animals that are now threatened, such as tigers, pandas, elephants and polar bears, are the protagonists of the WWF and H&M children's clothing collection which is already available in Chile. Made with organic cotton under strict environmental and social standards, the garments seek to raise awareness about the care of the planet and the various species that inhabit it. The ten percent of the sales of the collection will be destined to the work of conservation of WWF.
WWF-Brazil supports the recovery of 70 Pantanal springs
Thanks to the support of WWF-Brazil's 70 Pantanal Closed Program, Headwaters of the Pantanal - region located in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso where 30% of the waters that maintain the Pantanal and its Biodiversity - are in the process of recovery. Deforestation, lack of sanitation and poor agricultural practices are currently great threats. Click here and learn more
Paraguay, Brazil & Argentina
Presenting results from 15 years of work in the Atlantic Forest
During the LAC Management Team meeting organized this year in Asuncion, the directors of WWF Paraguay and Brazil and the associated Foundation Vida Silvestre in Argentina, presented a detailed report over the state of the ecoregion that will establish new conservation strategies, presents lessons learned learn from past experiences, and confronts challenges.
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US rolls back progress made on climate change policy
The US government today announced a decision to roll back components of the existing strategy for meeting its climate commitments under the Paris Agreement. This action by the Trump Administration includes steps to dismantle the Clean Power Plan, a key component of the US’ plan to deliver on its greenhouse gas emissions reduction commitments.
Climate action shines bright as Latin America and the Caribbean join Earth Hour’s tenth anniversary
Thousands of people in Latin America and the Caribbean joined WWF's Earth Hour on Saturday, March 25, to take action on climate change. Several monuments and emblematic sites in the region, including the Casa Rosada in Buenos Aires and the Palacio de la Moneda in Santiago de Chile, turned their lights off along with millions of people, companies and organizations around the world, who took a step forward against climate change. In the digital world, our hashtags in Spanish reached millions of users in the region, establishing a trend in countries like Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile and Argentina.
In the media
··· Earth Hour 2017 ···
In the Media
+3.8K mentions in Hispanic media
Featured articles:
Earth Hour 2017
7M reach
Earth Hour: Tips to Save Energy
5M reach
Data: March 1-31, 2017
In the Social Media
+1.08K retweets for EH tweets in the @WWF-LAC Twitter.
+10.7K interactions (Likes, reactions, comments an shares) originated by EH posts in Spanish in the WWF International's Facebook account
#LaHoraDelPlaneta and #HoraDelPlaneta were tranding topics in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile and Argentina
Facebook Live transmission with Yolanda Kakabadse, WWF`s International President, and Roberto Troya, WWF-LAC´s Vice President and General Director, reproduced +64K times.
Featured Tweet:
1 Day
113 retweets, 12 Likes
Featured Post:
2.7K interactions
Data: March 1-31, 2017