© Las Condes by Deensel used under CC BY 2.0 / edited from original

Friends and colleagues,

As the year progresses, our efforts to protect nature continue.

Our Climate and Energy work was underscored this month. Latin America will host the United Nations Climate Change conference, perhaps the last COP where the world can do something to stabilize climate.

In this context, the director of WWF-Chile became a member of the High-Level Presidential Advisory Committee for the COP 25.

Concerning Oceans, WWF-Ecuador celebrated World Tuna Day by recalling national achievements in the species’ conservation.

In regard to Forests, WWF-Colombia made a call at the 4th Assembly of the Tropical Forest Alliance to align food systems, biodiversity and land use. Brazil, for its part, is leading a meeting with companies from the food sector, to talk about their experience with making their supply chains deforestation-free.

In Wildlife, WWF-Peru monitored the populations of jaguars and their preys at the tri-national border between Peru, Ecuador and Colombia, capturing more than 64 thousand images of species with their trap cameras. Meanwhile, Argentina approved a law that deducts taxes from owners of fields in General Lavalle, that promotes the conservation of the endangered pampas deer.

In relation to Governance, WWF-Paraguay and the Global Pact will reward companies with good practices with the "Green Recognition 2019".

Lastly, regarding Freshwater, Mexico highlighted the efforts in Latin America in large media outlets while discussing a recent study on the world’s last free-flowing rivers.

Enjoy this new edition,




Roberto Troya

Vice president & Regional Director


© Prensa Presidencia


WWF-Chile Director joins COP 25 Presidential Advisory Committee 

Ricardo Bosshard, director of WWF-Chile, was one of 35 invited by President Sebastián Piñera to form a part of the High-Level Presidential Advisory Committee for the COP25 UN climate conference, to be held in Chile later this year, from December 2nd through the 15th.

The committee, made up of former presidents, ministers, parliamentarians, representatives of the scientific community and civil society, aims to collaborate in the definition of the guidelines and objectives for the planning and development of COP 25.

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© naturepl.com / Doc White / WWF


World Tuna Day: celebrating its conservation

In collaboration with WWF, one of the leading companies in Ecuador’s tuna sector recalled one of the milestones achieved by the Ecuadorian industry for the conservation of the species: its Management Plan for the Ecuadorian tuna purse-seine fleet, through a Ministerial Agreement.

This company’s private initiative and the support from its partners, such as WWF-Ecuador, made sustainable fishing management a national priority.

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© Diego M. Garces / WWF


WWF and FOLU call to align food systems, biodiversity and land use

The Tropical Forest Alliance Annual Meeting 2019, took place between May 6 and 8 in Bogotá, Colombia, and focused on how to scale up and transform global and regional leadership and innovative business models geared at galvanizing tangible action in the forest and commodities agenda. Under the theme “A Forest Positive Future: Accelerating the Decade of Delivery,” the 4th TFA Annual Meeting convened more than 150 high-level global and regional leaders from the government, business and civil society sectors to accelerate efforts to reduce/eliminate commodity-driven deforestation.

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© naturepl.com / Nick Garbutt / WWF


Companies share experiences in developing deforestation-free supply chains

On May 28, WWF-Brazil will hold an event with several companies that are connected with the project Collaboration for Forest and Agriculture (CFA), an initiative that supports the private sector in order to structure deforestation-free chains in the Amazon and Cerrado in Brazil, as well as the Great Chaco in Argentina and Paraguay.

Companies, especially the food industry (soy and meat), will share their experiences on this collaboration, as well as motives, challenges and business opportunities.

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© André Bästschi / WWF


More than 64 thousand images gathered during jaguar population monitoring

WWF used 129 trap cameras to monitor jaguar and its preys on the tri-national border between Peru, Ecuador and Colombia during a 4-month period. The area where the study has been developed is about 300,000 hectares, divided into two protected natural areas (Ecuador and Peru) and an indigenous territory (Colombia).

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© Juan Pratginestos / WWF


Land owners receive tax incentives to conserve the pampas deer

In a rarely seen measure, the owners of farmland in General Lavalle of Buenos Aires will obtain an important discount from the municipal taxes if they apply a management plan that helps protecting the pampas deer - an emblematic species of our country that is seriously threatened - in their pastures. This population is in danger of being reduced to just 2,000 individuals dispersed in small populations.   

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© © Lidia Nuñez / WWF-Paraguay


WWF and Global Pact Paraguay will recognize companies with good practices

The Green Recognition 2019 is the first initiative in Paraguay that recognizes environmental projects promoted by companies that contribute to care for the environment and the development of the country.

Global Pact and WWF-Paraguay promote this recognition with the goal of spreading companies’ good practices and encouraging a movement that brings solutions to environmental challenges from sustainable businesses.

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© Camilo Diaz / WWF


Freshwater team promotes Free Flowing Rivers in a media campaign

In May, the scientific journal Nature published a study which reveals that only 37% of the world’s 242 largest rivers flow freely. Some of these are located in Latin America. Eugenio Barrios, the director of the Freshwater Program at WWF-Mexico, highlighted the importance of the free-flowing rivers in the region during media interviews and an op-ed.

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