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Considered to be one of the most beautiful and graceful of all wild cattle species, Bantengs are most likely the ancestors to the domestic cattle of Southeast Asia.

Banteng caught by a camera trap rel= © WWF Cambodia / SWAP

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Key Facts
Common name
Common Names

Banteng, tembadau




IUCN (A2cd+3cd+4cd)
Latin name

Scientific Name

Bos javanicus



No more than 8,000

Bantengs prefer to roam the open and dry deciduous forests where grassy vegetation is found in abundance. They are found scattered across Cambodia, especially in the southwest, north and northwest.

Physical Description
Similar in size to domestic cattle, banteng are up to 1.65m in height and weigh a maximum of 800kg.

The main threat facing the banteng is hunting for meat and horns, Its population has decreased dramatically in the last few decades

Diseases and parasites transmitted by domestic and feral livestock are also serious threats to its continued survival.

What is WWF doing?

WWF works to protect habitat and supports the effective managment of protected areas throughout the banteng's range.
How you can help
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Did you know?

Domesticated banteng are known as Bali cattle and have been introduced to Northern Australia, where they have established feral populations.