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Turtle name: Zoe

ID ARGOS code for transmitter

Deployment location

Kiyú, San José Department, Uruguay

Deployment coordinates
Lat. 34.708 S, Long. 56.696 W (decimal degrees)

Deployment date
29 October 2006

Current location
See 'Tracking entries' below

Team in charge of deployment & tracking

Carapace length

155.5 cm

Life Stage


Flipper/pit tag number
LR Tag Number (or Pit tag): TTM 269
RR Tag Number (or Pit tag): TTM270

Turtle's sponsor/s

 ::: Remarks :::
Zoe, a healthy adult female leatherback, was incidentally captured by an entaglement net in the Rio de la Plata estuary, Uruguay. Local fishermen brought the turtle to the coast and immediately contacted members of the Karumbé project.

A satellite tag from PRICTMA (Argentina) was then brought from Buenos Aires, making possible to deploy the transmitter on the turtle after a tremendous team effort from both countries. Zoe's transmitter was attached as part of a cooperative project between Proyecto Karumbé and PRICTMA.
The leatherback turtle named Zoe. Click to view an enlarged picture. 
© Karumbe
The leatherback turtle named Zoe. Click to view an enlarged picture.
© Karumbe
Animated map for Zoe. 
Map locator for this leatherback. Click to view an enlarged animated version. The latest positional maps are available below.