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Turtle Name: Aitkanti
Deployment location
Samsambo Beach, Suriname

Deployment coordinates
N 05.79°  W 54.0°

Deployment date
25 Jun 2005

Current location
See 'Tracking entries' below

Team in charge of deployment & tracking

Carapace length


Flipper/pit tag number
0611 ABD6 (pit tagged in Suriname 2001)

Turtle's sponsor/s

::: Remarks :::

Aitkanti (pronounced "eyet-can-tea") is an adult female leatherback sea turtle. She was encountered nesting on the morning of June 25, 2005, on Samsambo Beach in Suriname. She measured 147.5 cm in curved carapace (shell) length.

Aitkanti had already been pit tagged during the 2001 nesting season. A harness with a satellite transmitter was applied after she finished nesting.


Aitkanti travelled across the Atlantic ocean and visited the coasts of South America, Africa and Europe. CCC and WWF staff deployed the transmitter after her nesting in Samsambo beach, Suriname, in June 2005. She arrived to French waters in October 2006. Comprehensive leatherback conservation requires collaboration between nations across the whole Atlantic basin.

Map locator for this leatherback. Click to view an enlarged animated version. The latest positional ... 
Map locator for this leatherback. Click to view an enlarged animated version. The latest positional maps are available below