The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
Turtle Name: Shelldon
Deployment location
Playa Chiriqui, Panama
Playa Chiriqui, Panama
Deployment coordinates
N09°00 W081°42
Deployment date
14 Jun 2005
Current location
See 'Tracking entries' below
Team in charge of deployment & tracking
Carapace length
Flipper/pit tag number
RR tag: CH1075 (Chiriqui 2005)
LR tag: V4219 (probably Chiriqui 2003)
Turtle's sponsor/s
::: Remarks :::
Shelldon is an adult female leatherback sea turtle was encountered nesting on June 14, 2005, in Zone 3 on Chiriqui Beach in Panama. She measured 164.2 cm in curved carapace (shell) length which is larger than the average size (152 cm).
Shelldon had already been flipper tagged with Monel metal flipper tags on Chiriqui Beach during the 2003 nesting season, and had also been seen earlier during the 2005 season. A harness with a satellite transmitter was applied after she finished laying 88 eggs and 20 yolkless eggs. The turtle was named by transmitter sponsors Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay.