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Turtle Name: Gurí

ID ARGOS code for transmitter

Deployment location

International waters

Deployment coordinates
lat  28.26 S, long 44.02 W (decimal deegres)

Deployment date
31 July 2006, at 16.30

Current location
See 'Tracking entries' below

Team in charge of deployment & tracking

Carapace length

159 cm

Life Stage


Flipper/pit tag number
LR Tag Number (or Pit tag): TTM 255
RR Tag Number (or Pit tag): TTM 256

Turtle's sponsor/s

 ::: Remarks :::
Onboard an Uruguayan long line fishing vessel the second satellite transmitter was attached to "Gurí", a 159 cm leatherback male. The position where the turtle was incidentally captured by the longliner was: 27.96 S, 43.99 W (international waters).
Gurí, first male Leatherback turtle. 
© Marin Abreu / PNOFA
Gurí, project´s first male Leatherback.
© Marin Abreu / PNOFA
Animated map for Guri. 
Map locator for this leatherback. Click to view an enlarged animated version. The latest positional maps are available below.