Archive Content

Please note: This page has been archived and its content may no longer be up-to-date. This version of the page will remain live for reference purposes as we work to update the content across our website.

Turtle Name: Apotilï
Deployment location
French Guiana

Deployment coordinates

Deployment date

26 July 2005

Current location

See 'Tracking entries' below

Carapace length

Flipper/pit tag number

Turtle's sponsor/s
and team in charge

::: Remarks :::

Apotili has traveled over 6022 km and dove over 850 m. Since the last transmition in 03/21/06, we have not received new information on its location. Based on the last data received, researchers believe that Apotili is most likely still alive, but its transmitter probably has a general failure. Something like barnacles or algae could be growing over the switches causing the transmitter to register as being underwater even when the unit is above the water, or the harness coming off earlier than anticipated. Hopefully we will be receiving new data on its location any time soon.  

Map locator for this leatherback. Click to view an enlarged animated version. The latest positional ... 
Map locator for this leatherback. Click to view an enlarged animated version. The latest positional maps are available below
Tracking entries