Archive Content

Please note: This page has been archived and its content may no longer be up-to-date. This version of the page will remain live for reference purposes as we work to update the content across our website.

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Download the software
Download the images (Regional and national maps)


Map with hawksbill nesting sites in the Caribbean (low resolution, high resolution)

Map with threats to hawksbills in the Caribbean region (low resolution, high resolution)

EPS files (Files by country with information on nesting beaches, coral reefs and seagrass pastures, for downloading and using on your computer

JPG Files with low resolution (Files by country with information on nesting beaches, coral reefs and seagrass pastures, for downloading and using on your computer)

JPG Files with high resolution (Files by country with information on nesting beaches, coral reefs and seagrass pastures, for downloading and using on your computer)

If you want to download shapefile format files that are commonly used by geographic information programs, contact ReefBase (, and ask them to activate an account for accessing the files for each country in the Caribbean region. The advantage of the ReefBase files is that these contain information about the coral reefs and mangroves in each nation. These are used as the base maps for this page.

Proceed as follows:

Step 1: Contact:

Step 2: ReefBase GIS System:

Step 3: Download shapefile files: