Archive Content

Please note: This page has been archived and its content may no longer be up-to-date. This version of the page will remain live for reference purposes as we work to update the content across our website.

How to use the map

Use the hand tool to move around the region and the + and - to zoom in and out.

To view maps of temperature and precipitation projections, choose an emissions scenario (A2 or B1) and select either temperature or precipitation. To see how the projections change over time slide the bar along the projection scale. The changes are relative to the baseline period of 1961-1990.

To view the projections for nesting beaches, check the box next to the species you are interested in. Once the beaches have appeared, click on any beach and a table will appear with the temperature and precipitation projections for that area under each emissions scenario.

Important: Climate modelling is an evolving science and therefore
any interpretation of these projections should fully acknowledge the inherent limitations and uncertainties. It is critical to understand the uncertainties associated with these models, which include uncertainty about future emissions, the response of the climate system and natural variability, and not take the values produced as absolutes.

See 'Fish, M.R., A. Lombana and C. Drews. 2009. Regional climate projections: climate change and marine turtles in the Wider Caribbean. WWF report, San José, 20 pp.' for more information.

Data sources

Climate data
The Instituto de Meteorología de la República de Cuba (INSMET) PRECIS-CARIBE project. Online Access to Caribbean Climate Change Scenarios

Nesting data
Dow, W. E., Eckert, K. L., Palmer, M., and Kramer, P. (2007) An Atlas of Sea Turtle Nesting Habitat for the Wider Caribbean Region. The Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network and The Nature Conservancy., Beaufort, North Carolina

Read, A. J., Halpin, P. N., Crowder, L. B., Best, B. D., and Fujioka, E. (2007) A spatial database of sea turtle nesting habitat for the Wider Caribbean Region. In OBIS-SEAMAP: mapping marine mammals, birds and turtles. World Wide Web electronic publication