The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
On the ground studies/surveys, campaigns, expanding MPAs, community work, TEDs...
There are encouraging results to see all around the programme.
- The flagship monitoring and research programme in Kwa Zulu Natal continues to benefit and has extended into Southern Mozambique. Forty-one years of data are available, on the nesting leatherbacks and loggerheads.
- WWF South Africa is a partner in a major bycatch study for the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (South Africa, Namibia and Angola).
- New MPAs in Senegal, and anticipated in Cape Verde and Guinea.
- Support to marine turtle groups in Kenya, Tanzania, Zanzibar, and Mozambique.
- Doubling MPA network in Mozambique; new MPA planned for Primeiras e Segundas.
- Introductions of TEDs and training in Mozambique.
- Market studies and campaigns in Kenya, Tanzania, and Mozambique.
- Collaboration with shrimp fishing and farming association (GAPCM) on tagging and monitoring - 29 trawler operators active in northern Madagascar tagging and reporting tag numbers.
- Four seasons of monitoring, tagging and nest protection at Gamba in Gabon - expansion planned.
- Community work at new MPA in Campo Ma'an in Cameroon.
- Three DEAs (masters degrees) completed on marine turtles in Madagascar.
Marine turtle nestings on the rise in South Africa
"KwaZulu Natal, South Africa - Loggerhead nestings have reached record levels in South Africa, a positive sign for the endangered marine turtle.
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