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Learn more about some of the different species that share our planet and what is being done to protect them.

Indochinese tiger (Panthera tigris corbetti) is only found in the Greater Mekong region of Southeast Asia, including Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam.


Mammals are a class of species that regulate their body temperature internally. Except for monotremes, the young are born live and suckle milk from the female. Most have some hair or fur on their body. 

Mammal species profiles
The short-tailed albatross or Steller's albatross, (Phoebastria albatrus) was almost hunted to extinction due to the market for its feathers. It is now listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN's Red List.


Birds are of the class Aves. They are feathered, lay eggs and like mammals can regulate their own body temperature internally. 

Bird species profiles
'On the Med tuna trail' – Using satellite technology WWF tracks giant bluefin tuna across the Mediterranean Sea as part of an ongoing project to protec the species.

Fish & Marine

Fish are any scaly vertebrate animal that lives in water. Unlike mammals and birds, the body temperature of most fish is regulated by the ambient temperature of their environment. 

Fish species profiles
 New born leatherback turtle starting its journey to the ocean


Reptiles are of the class Reptilia. They lay eggs and their skin is covered with scales. They are often referred to as "cold-blooded" because unlike "warm blooded" mammals they cannot regulate their own body temperature internally. Instead their body temperature is determined by the ambient temperature of their environment. 

Reptile species profiles
Swietenia macrophylla Mahogany tree or


A plant is a species that belongs to the kingdom Plantae. They include trees, mosses, grasses, and vines.

Plants species profiles
Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus).


Arthropods include insects, spiders, scorpions, and crabs. They are invertebrates that is they have no backbone, but have a exo-skeleton that protects them. They account for around 80% of all species on Earth.

Arthropod species profiles