People, land, places and spaces
Can you imagine a world where we all start to look similar or sound the same as we lose our roots, language, connection to the past and the land?
Though the young Indian is wearing a headdress, the Apiaká Indians we met have kept little from their indigenous culture. © Zig Koch

...or where where we have nowhere to go to escape the cities and towns, no space to breathe, wander and wonder...

The diversity of societies, cultures and languages that have developed throughout human history is an expression of life’s evolutionary potential.

Differences in culture, in other words, cultural diversity and biodiversity are intimately related to each other.

It makes sense if you think about it.

Humans have adapted to life according to the particular environment they found themselves in.
At the same time, they had to draw upon those resources to sustain themselves - whether that was in icy tundras or tropical forests.

This knowledge was passed from generation to generations via language and practical teachings.

It has shaped ways of life and world views, and served material as well as psychological and spiritual needs.

It has also led to the development of a strong ‘sense of place’.

So think about this: If we lose our place, do we in effect, lose ourselves?
Child in a coat with the hood up 
© iStockPhoto / Predrag Pantelic
Child in a coat with the hood up
© iStockPhoto / Predrag Pantelic