The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...

- Ph. D. in biological oceanography.
- Advisor at Ministry of fisheries and maritime economy in (1987- 1990)
- Research programme coordinator of fisheries management Dakar based Thiaroye Centre for oceanographic.( 1992-2006)
- Lecturer in ecology and oceanography. ( 1992-2006)
- Consultant in fisheries, oceanographic and conservation issues

- Certificate in « Fisheries Resource Management », Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Tokyo JAPAN, 2004
- Master’s (M.Sc.) in Maritime Resources Management (Option Fisheries & Environment), Rimouski Quebec University (UQAR) – CANADA,2002
- Certificate in micro economic analysis and financial management of projects, National School ofApplied Economics (ENEA) Dakar-SENEGAL, 1999
- Senior Technician in Halieutics, Higher Institute of Sciences and Halieutics Techniques, (ISSTH)/ECOWAS Nouadhibou-MAURITANIA, 1992
- Deputy coordinator in charge of the "Sustainable fisheries component MINISTRY OF MARITIME ECONOMY AND MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT 2005-2008
- Counterpart of the Japanese expert in charge of the fisheries management component of the "Programme of assessment and management of sea resources in Senegal", MINISTRY OF MARITIME ECONOMY AND MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT,2003-2005
“ As a Senegalese civil servant with over 15 years experience in fisheries management, I was seeking a new challenge at an international level like WWF and to have the opportunity to use my skills in fisheries management and participative approach for marine resources and environment conservation”.

- Msc Project management
- B.A in Project management.
- Long and rich experience as secretary in an insurance company, a Bookshop, in an architect office.

• Worked for a company of computing maintenance: Info & Electro consultance (1999- 2005)

- Engineer Diploma on Agricultural studies.
- MSc econometric-statistic
- Certificate project elaboration
- Certificate in economy tools for the conservation
- Her thesis was on “ the contribution of microfinance to poverty alleviation in rural areas”
- WAMER consultant for the newly developed microfinance programme
- Certificate of climate change
- Certificate adaptation vulnerability trainer
- Certificate of global woman leadership
“Providing fishermen with alternative livelihoods is key to promoting sustainable fisheries in West Africa and I hope the programme I am piloting will help make a difference” she says.

- Doctor in Veterinarian Studies and Sciences
- Civil servant Fisheries officer – Ministry of Fisheries (Senegal) 1986-2001
- Senegal Focal Point on Coastal Planning Network in West Africa (1999 – 2002)
- Coordinator of PRCM 2001-2005
- Expert on Fisheries and aquaculture

Msc Project Management
Certificate Challenges of leadership in teams, M.I.T
Bachelors Degree in project management
Certificate in executive secretariat
Monitoring and evaluation Officer Wamer
Personal Assistant to the regional coordinator Wamer
Secretary at WWF-WAMER (2005 – 2007)
Executive secretary in a private firm (2000 – 2005)