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This "Forests of New Guinea" feature is based on many references, with the most important listed here.
Check articles/papers, books, reports/briefings, websites and satellite maps.
Foster P. 2001. The potential negative impacts of global climate change on tropical montane cloud forests. Earth-Science Reviews [Earth-Sci. Rev.]. Vol. 55, no. 1-2, pp. 73-106. Oct 2001.
Johnson A, Bino R, Igag P. 2004. A preliminary evaluation of the sustainability of cassowary (Aves: Casuariidae) capture and trade in Papua New Guinea. Animal Conservation. Vol 7(2), pp. 129-137.
Katsigris E. et al. 2004. The China forest products trade: overview of Asia-Pacific supplying countries, impacts and implications. International Forestry Review. Vol. 6(3-4). 17 pp.
Klemens M, Thorbjarnarson J. 1995. Reptiles as a food source. Biodiversity and Conservation. Vol 4(3). Pp 281 - 298.
Minkow D, Murphy-Dunning C. 1992. Pillage in the Pacific. Multinational Monitor. Accessed 15/02/06.
Pearce F. March 2006. Hidden Garden of Eden wilts as Earth warms. New Scientist magazine. Issue 2542. p. 17.
Sinaga S. June 12, 2001. Unchecked illegal trade goes on in Birds of Paradise. The Jakarta Post.
TRAFFIC. 2001. The last frontier of agarwood under threat in Papua New Guinea.
VIMS. Fly River. Accessed 12/01/2006.
Wroe S, Crowther M, Dortch J, Chong J 2003. The size of the largest marsupial and why it matters. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B (Suppl.)
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Flannery T. 1994. The Future Eaters. Reed New Holland. 432 pp.
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Banks G. 2001. PNG – Baseline Study. Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development. IIED/World Business Council for Sustainable Development. No 180. 98 pp.
Chunquan Z, Taylor R, Guoqiang F. 2004. China’s Wood Market, Trade and the Environment. Science Press/WWF-International. 63 pp.
Coates D. 1989. Review of Aquaculture and Freshwater Fisheries in Papua New Guinea. FAO. PNG/85/001 Field Document No. 1.
Conway T. 1998. A Framework for Assessing the Relationship between Trade Liberalization and Biodiversity Conservation. UNEP/IISD. Working paper.
EIA/Telapak. 2005. The Last Frontier: Illegal logging in Papua and China’s Massive Timber Theft. Report. 32 pp.
Hutton J, Ross P, Webb G. 2001. Using the Market to Create Incentives for the Conservation of Crocodilians: A Review. IUCN/SSC Crocodile Specialist Group.
JICA. 2002. Country Profile on Environment – PNG. JICA Planning and Evaluation Department.
Miller S. (Ed). 1994. Status of biodiversity in Papua New Guinea: Papua New Guinea Country Report on Biological Diversity. Waigani: The Department of Environment and Conservation, Conservation Resource Centre and the Africa Centre for Resources and Environment (ACRE); 67-95.
Muller K. 2004. The Biodiversity in New Guinea. Unpublished document.
Prentice M.L., Hope G.S. 2006. The climate of Papua and its recent changes. In: Marshall, A. J. and Beehler, B. M., (eds), The Ecology of Papua, Singapore: Periplus Editions, in press.
Swales S. Undated. Fish and Fisheries of the Fly River, PNG: Population Changes Associated with Natural and Anthropogenic Factors and Lessons to be Learned. World Fisheries Trust / IDRC /UNEP. 26 pp.
Unknown. Undated. Tree Kangaroos of Papua New Guinea - Population and Habitat Viability Assessment. Lae, Papua New Guinea. 31 August – 4 September 1998.
WRI. 2003. World Resources 2002-2004: Decisions for the Earth: Balance, voice, and power. United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Environment Programme, World Bank, World Resources Institute.
WWF. Southern New Guinea lowland rain forests (AA0122). Accessed 12/01/2006.
WWF. New Guinea Rivers & Streams - A Global 200 Ecoregion. Accessed online 11/01/2006.
WWF. Southern New Guinea Lowland Forests - A Global 200 Ecoregion. Accessed 11/01/2006.
WWF. Northern New Guinea montane rain forests. Accessed 13/01/2006.
WWF. Terrestrial Ecoregions -- Trans Fly savanna and grasslands (AA0708). Accessed online 05/02/06.
WWF. Forests of New Guinea - Papua New Guinea - A Mega-diversity Hot Spot. Accessed 11/12/2005.
WWF. Undated. Umaand Me’ha Wildlife Management Areas: Niksek River, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea. Leaflet.
Zich F, Compton J. 2001. Agarwood (Gaharu) Harvest and Trade in Papua New Guinea: A Preliminary Assessment. An information document prepared by TRAFFIC Oceania for the Eleventh Meeting of the CITES Plants Committee, with reference to CITES Decisions 11.112 and 11.113 regarding Aquilaria spp. TRAFFIC Oceania. 7 pp.
Indigenous people
Satellite maps
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Check articles/papers, books, reports/briefings, websites and satellite maps.
Dursin R. March 3, 2001. Birds of paradise on flight to oblivion. Asia Times Online.Foster P. 2001. The potential negative impacts of global climate change on tropical montane cloud forests. Earth-Science Reviews [Earth-Sci. Rev.]. Vol. 55, no. 1-2, pp. 73-106. Oct 2001.
Johnson A, Bino R, Igag P. 2004. A preliminary evaluation of the sustainability of cassowary (Aves: Casuariidae) capture and trade in Papua New Guinea. Animal Conservation. Vol 7(2), pp. 129-137.
Katsigris E. et al. 2004. The China forest products trade: overview of Asia-Pacific supplying countries, impacts and implications. International Forestry Review. Vol. 6(3-4). 17 pp.
Klemens M, Thorbjarnarson J. 1995. Reptiles as a food source. Biodiversity and Conservation. Vol 4(3). Pp 281 - 298.
Minkow D, Murphy-Dunning C. 1992. Pillage in the Pacific. Multinational Monitor. Accessed 15/02/06.
Pearce F. March 2006. Hidden Garden of Eden wilts as Earth warms. New Scientist magazine. Issue 2542. p. 17.
Sinaga S. June 12, 2001. Unchecked illegal trade goes on in Birds of Paradise. The Jakarta Post.
TRAFFIC. 2001. The last frontier of agarwood under threat in Papua New Guinea.
VIMS. Fly River. Accessed 12/01/2006.
Wroe S, Crowther M, Dortch J, Chong J 2003. The size of the largest marsupial and why it matters. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B (Suppl.)
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Diamond J. 1997. Guns, Germs and Steel: the Fates of Human Societies. W.W. Norton and Company. 494 pp.Flannery T. 1994. The Future Eaters. Reed New Holland. 432 pp.
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Reports and briefings
Ballard C. 2001. Human Rights and the Mining Sector in Indonesia: A Baseline Study. IIED. Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development. No 182. 53 pp.Banks G. 2001. PNG – Baseline Study. Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development. IIED/World Business Council for Sustainable Development. No 180. 98 pp.
Chunquan Z, Taylor R, Guoqiang F. 2004. China’s Wood Market, Trade and the Environment. Science Press/WWF-International. 63 pp.
Coates D. 1989. Review of Aquaculture and Freshwater Fisheries in Papua New Guinea. FAO. PNG/85/001 Field Document No. 1.
Conway T. 1998. A Framework for Assessing the Relationship between Trade Liberalization and Biodiversity Conservation. UNEP/IISD. Working paper.
EIA/Telapak. 2005. The Last Frontier: Illegal logging in Papua and China’s Massive Timber Theft. Report. 32 pp.
Hutton J, Ross P, Webb G. 2001. Using the Market to Create Incentives for the Conservation of Crocodilians: A Review. IUCN/SSC Crocodile Specialist Group.
JICA. 2002. Country Profile on Environment – PNG. JICA Planning and Evaluation Department.
Miller S. (Ed). 1994. Status of biodiversity in Papua New Guinea: Papua New Guinea Country Report on Biological Diversity. Waigani: The Department of Environment and Conservation, Conservation Resource Centre and the Africa Centre for Resources and Environment (ACRE); 67-95.
Muller K. 2004. The Biodiversity in New Guinea. Unpublished document.
Prentice M.L., Hope G.S. 2006. The climate of Papua and its recent changes. In: Marshall, A. J. and Beehler, B. M., (eds), The Ecology of Papua, Singapore: Periplus Editions, in press.
Swales S. Undated. Fish and Fisheries of the Fly River, PNG: Population Changes Associated with Natural and Anthropogenic Factors and Lessons to be Learned. World Fisheries Trust / IDRC /UNEP. 26 pp.
Unknown. Undated. Tree Kangaroos of Papua New Guinea - Population and Habitat Viability Assessment. Lae, Papua New Guinea. 31 August – 4 September 1998.
WRI. 2003. World Resources 2002-2004: Decisions for the Earth: Balance, voice, and power. United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Environment Programme, World Bank, World Resources Institute.
WWF. Southern New Guinea lowland rain forests (AA0122). Accessed 12/01/2006.
WWF. New Guinea Rivers & Streams - A Global 200 Ecoregion. Accessed online 11/01/2006.
WWF. Southern New Guinea Lowland Forests - A Global 200 Ecoregion. Accessed 11/01/2006.
WWF. Northern New Guinea montane rain forests. Accessed 13/01/2006.
WWF. Terrestrial Ecoregions -- Trans Fly savanna and grasslands (AA0708). Accessed online 05/02/06.
WWF. Forests of New Guinea - Papua New Guinea - A Mega-diversity Hot Spot. Accessed 11/12/2005.
WWF. Undated. Umaand Me’ha Wildlife Management Areas: Niksek River, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea. Leaflet.
Zich F, Compton J. 2001. Agarwood (Gaharu) Harvest and Trade in Papua New Guinea: A Preliminary Assessment. An information document prepared by TRAFFIC Oceania for the Eleventh Meeting of the CITES Plants Committee, with reference to CITES Decisions 11.112 and 11.113 regarding Aquilaria spp. TRAFFIC Oceania. 7 pp.
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Expedition to New Guinea
Indigenous people
- The New Guinea Tropical Ecology and Biodiversity Digest
- WWF-Indonesia
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