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A major hub for frog evolution
The diversity of amphibian species is marvellously represented in New Guinea, with new species constantly being discovered.

White-lipped or giant treefrog <i>(Litoria infrafrenata)</i> in Papua, Indonesia. rel= © WWF / Ronald PETOCZ

New Guinea frog life

Some frogs are tiny, while others huge. The Arfak River frog reaches 160 mm and is readily eaten. Some species may be found as high as 3,850 m.

Frogs have a wide range of habitats: underground, in streams or in trees.  Many frogs lay their eggs out of the water, so there is no tadpole stage in the life cycle.2

1 Miller S. (Ed). 1994. Status of biodiversity in Papua New Guinea: Papua New Guinea Country Report on Biological Diversity. Waigani: The Department of Environment and Conservation, Conservation Resource Centre and the Africa Centre for Resources and Environment (ACRE); 67-95.
2 Muller K. 2004. The Biodiversity in New Guinea. Unpublished document.