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© B. J. Skerry / National Geographic Stock / WWF
What is the only place in the world where 3 continents meet?
Midway between the tropics and the Arctic is the largest enclosed sea in the world, surrounded by mountains and dotted with thousands of islands. This complex region of breathtaking natural beauty and inestimably valuable cultural heritage encompasses 25 countries and territories from Europe, Africa and the Middle East. It is one of the most populated regions of the globe and is a meeting point between developed and developing worlds.
Tuna facts and figures
How big? The largest recorded was a massive 679kg – that’s heavier than a horse!
How fast? When chasing their prey or avoiding a hungry shark they accelarate faster than a Porsche and can reach speeds of 100 km per hour!
How far? Atlantic bluefin tuna can complete trans-Atlantic crossings in less than 60 days. They can dive down to around 1km to find food.
How old? Atlantic bluefin tuna can expect to live for at least 15 years and as long as 30.
WWF is calling on governments and companies to stop the expansion of oil drilling activities in the Sicilian Channel, especially around Pantelleria – the only island there that is not an MPA. The Mediterranean is a closed sea – any damage it sustains would affect all whose coasts lie within it. Read more.
More than 100,000km2 of marine protected areas are to be added to Spain’s MPA network, increasing the area of Spanish seas protected from 0.4% to 8%. Four new large marine areas and 39 marine SPAs will be added to the Natura 2000 Network. In 2014 another six large offshore marine areas should be established. The choice of these areas was based on a proposal by WWF Spain. Read more.
Fishermen are empowered and united by the recently created platform of artisanal fishermen in North Africa. Launched in Tunisia, the platform provides both a public voice for this crucial sector of Mediterranean fisheries and a forum in which to agree on common principles for sustainable fisheries management in the Mediterranean.
Profile: marine scientist to conservation leader
Demetres Karavellas is CEO of WWF Greece and, since October, the interim Mediterranean Initiative Leader. He heads a team of 20 marine staff across 7 Mediterranean countries, and reports to the Mediterranean Shareholder Group. His thoughts on the Mediterranean Initiative and its immediate priorities:
Collaboratve, coordinated and transformative. The effort of all the WWF offices in the region and their many partners is to work together to develop real solutions on the ground, to build alliances and mobilize societies that will support a more sustainable future for this special but very threatened part of the planet.
What is the MI’s biggest priority in the coming 6 months?
The Mediterranean Initiative is building on the significant results of the marine team: reverting bluefin tuna decline, establishing MPAs, promoting the first fisheries co-management system and protecting cetaceans and sea turtles. We are now ready to scale up these results. Our first priority lies in securing the necessary resources and alliances that will allow us to achieve the ambitious goals we have set for ourselves.