The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
- facilitate the sharing of information and experiences on bycatch reduction and Best Practices in the Coral Triangle and regional fisheries, identifying obstacles, key issues and priorities,
- promote, and learn from, examples of industry-fisher folk partnerships on bycatch reduction, Best Practices and other examples of “continual improvement”,
- expand collaborations in the region on fisheries improvement among supply chain actors,
- develop a “road map” identifying relevant enabling policies and programmes and how fisher folks and industry players can help influence and implement these, and
- formally establish and endorse a Coral Triangle Fishers Forum as a platform for regional dialogue on sustainable fisheries that helps deliver on the goals of the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) Regional Plan of Action.

© WWF-South Pacific
Coral Triangle fishers agree on a set of recommendations to address bycatch
Bali, Indonesia (17 June 2010)—Fishers from local communities and private companies in the Coral Triangle region collectively agreed on a set of recommendations on the last day of the Coral Triangle Fishers Forum more ►
WWF Coral Triangle programme releases bycatch policy brief (press release | download).
The brief is endorsed by Anova Seafood, Culimer BV, Edeka Group, Luen Thai Fishing Ventures, Norpac Fisheries Export, and Sea Delight.
Opening speeches
Opening Remarks - Mr Anang Noegroho - Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia
DOC 53 KBWelcome Speech - Dr Efransjah - WWF Indonesia
PDF 134 KBOpening Speech - Bundit Chokesanguan - SEAFDEC
PDF 45 KBKeith Symington and Dr. Lida Pet-Soede - Market-based Partnerships for Managing Bycatch
PPT 451 KBPresentations
Sea Turtle-Circle Hook Bycatch Reduction Initiative in Hook and Line in the Philippines - Adon Gaudiano
PPT 15.93 MBIndustry Approach to BY-Catch Policy and Improved Governance - Blane Olson - ANOVA Food Group
PPTX 2.50 MBLessons learned in bycatch mitigation in Latin America - Martin Hall - IATTC
PPT 30.61 MBRegional Livelihoods Fisheries Programme for South and Southeast Asia (RFLP) - Don Griffiths - RFLP
PPT 1.10 MBTrash to treasure? Solving one of Asia’s most challenging fisheries issues - Duncan Leadbitter - SFP
PPT 1.12 MBEffort and policy of the Goverment of Indonesia for reducing bycatch - Endroyono - Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
PPT 5.40 MBLessons learned for bycatch mitigation in Indonesia - Tuna Longline - Imam Musthofa Zainudin - WWF Indonesia
PPTX 5.62 MBOverview of the status and understanding of by-catch in the Southeast Asia region - Isara Chanrachkij - SEAFDEC
PPT 6.21 MBWWF Fishery Improvement Projects - Jesse Marsh - WWF-US Sustainable Seafood Initiative
PPT 2.49 MBCoral Triangle Fishers Forum Presentation - Lida Pet-Soede - Head of WWF’s Coral Triangle Program
PPT 3.12 MBSeafood Savers - Margareth Meutia - WWF Indonesia
PPT 5.08 MBInspiring Innovation by Capitalizing on Creativity - Mike Osmond - WWF-US
PPT 4.38 MBGlobal Directions in Bycatch Management - Challenges for the Southeast Asia - Petri Suuronen - FAO
PPT 4.79 MBStrategies for Trawl Fisheries Bycatch Management - Petri Suuronen - FAO
PPT 3.09 MBBycatch Initiatives for Pacific Islands from SPC - Steve Beverly - SPC
PPT 5.96 MBByCatch Mitigation on Shrimp Trawl Fisheries in Indonesia - Wudianto and Bambang Sumiono - MMAF
PPTX 6.67 MBFisheries best practices and bycatch mitigation in the revitalization of the Pacific Island Pole and Line Fishery - Robert Stone - FFA
PPT 24.81 MBBycatch Mitigation in the Hawaii Longline Fishery: lessons learned - Kingma - West Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council
PPT 39.43 MBLessons learned for mitigating bycatch: A Summary of regional studies - Sutee Rajruchithong - SEAFDEC
PPT 47.01 MBWhat is the CTI? - Pak Darmawan - CTI Secretariat
PPT 8.37 MBWhen?
June 15 - 17 2010Where?
Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel, Bali, IndonesiaWhy?
A growing number of consumers, retailers and governing bodies are requiring IUU-free and traceable seafood. While this provides an important incentive for the fisheries sector to move towards sustainability, implementing traceability and catch documentation programs poses many practical challenges - for large fishing industries and small- scale coastal fisheries alike.The opportunity to share experiences, highlight practical solutions and discuss issues among peers will provide a good basis for addressing issues related to IUU, sustainable seafood trade and associated linkages to food security.

© Coral Triangle Fishers Forum hosts/organizers logos © WWF, DKP, SEAFDEC

© EDEKA logo © EDEKA
CTFF is organized with the financial support of EDEKA