Archive Content

Please note: This page has been archived and its content may no longer be up-to-date. This version of the page will remain live for reference purposes as we work to update the content across our website.


  1. facilitate the sharing of information and experiences on bycatch reduction and Best Practices in the Coral Triangle and regional fisheries, identifying obstacles, key issues and priorities,
  2. promote, and learn from, examples of industry-fisher folk partnerships on bycatch reduction, Best Practices and other examples of “continual improvement”,
  3. expand collaborations in the region on fisheries improvement among supply chain actors,
  4. develop a “road map” identifying relevant enabling policies and programmes and how fisher folks and industry players can help influence and implement these, and
  5. formally establish and endorse a Coral Triangle Fishers Forum as a platform for regional dialogue on sustainable fisheries that helps deliver on the goals of the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) Regional Plan of Action.


© WWF-South Pacific


Coral Triangle fishers agree on a set of recommendations to address bycatch

Bali, Indonesia (17 June 2010)—Fishers from local communities and private companies in the Coral Triangle region collectively agreed on a set of recommendations on the last day of the Coral Triangle Fishers Forum today.

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WWF Coral Triangle programme releases bycatch policy brief (press release | download).

The brief is endorsed by Anova Seafood, Culimer BV, Edeka Group, Luen Thai Fishing Ventures, Norpac Fisheries Export, and Sea Delight.

Sea Turtle-Circle Hook Bycatch Reduction Initiative in Hook and Line in the Philippines - Adon Gaudiano
PPT 15.93 MB
Industry Approach to BY-Catch Policy and Improved Governance - Blane Olson - ANOVA Food Group
PPTX 2.50 MB
Lessons learned in bycatch mitigation in Latin America - Martin Hall - IATTC
PPT 30.61 MB
Regional Livelihoods Fisheries Programme for South and Southeast Asia (RFLP) - Don Griffiths - RFLP
PPT 1.10 MB
Trash to treasure? Solving one of Asia’s most challenging fisheries issues - Duncan Leadbitter - SFP
PPT 1.12 MB
Effort and policy of the Goverment of Indonesia for reducing bycatch - Endroyono - Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
PPT 5.40 MB
Lessons learned for bycatch mitigation in Indonesia - Tuna Longline - Imam Musthofa Zainudin - WWF Indonesia
PPTX 5.62 MB
Overview of the status and understanding of by-catch in the Southeast Asia region - Isara Chanrachkij - SEAFDEC
PPT 6.21 MB
WWF Fishery Improvement Projects - Jesse Marsh - WWF-US Sustainable Seafood Initiative
PPT 2.49 MB
Coral Triangle Fishers Forum Presentation - Lida Pet-Soede - Head of WWF’s Coral Triangle Program
PPT 3.12 MB
Seafood Savers - Margareth Meutia - WWF Indonesia
PPT 5.08 MB
Inspiring Innovation by Capitalizing on Creativity - Mike Osmond - WWF-US
PPT 4.38 MB
Global Directions in Bycatch Management - Challenges for the Southeast Asia - Petri Suuronen - FAO
PPT 4.79 MB
Strategies for Trawl Fisheries Bycatch Management - Petri Suuronen - FAO
PPT 3.09 MB
Bycatch Initiatives for Pacific Islands from SPC - Steve Beverly - SPC
PPT 5.96 MB
ByCatch Mitigation on Shrimp Trawl Fisheries in Indonesia - Wudianto and Bambang Sumiono - MMAF
PPTX 6.67 MB
Fisheries best practices and bycatch mitigation in the revitalization of the Pacific Island Pole and Line Fishery - Robert Stone - FFA
PPT 24.81 MB
Bycatch Mitigation in the Hawaii Longline Fishery: lessons learned - Kingma - West Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council
PPT 39.43 MB
Lessons learned for mitigating bycatch: A Summary of regional studies - Sutee Rajruchithong - SEAFDEC
PPT 47.01 MB
What is the CTI? - Pak Darmawan - CTI Secretariat
PPT 8.37 MB


June 15 - 17 2010


Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel, Bali, Indonesia


A growing number of consumers, retailers and governing bodies are requiring IUU-free and traceable seafood. While this provides an important incentive for the fisheries sector to move towards sustainability, implementing traceability and catch documentation programs poses many practical challenges - for large fishing industries and small- scale coastal fisheries alike.

The opportunity to share experiences, highlight practical solutions and discuss issues among peers will provide a good basis for addressing issues related to IUU, sustainable seafood trade and associated linkages to food security.

Coral Triangle Fishers Forum hosts/organizers logos
© Coral Triangle Fishers Forum hosts/organizers logos © WWF, DKP, SEAFDEC

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© EDEKA logo © EDEKA

CTFF is organized with the financial support of EDEKA