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How much is done today to protect the lynx against their main threats? Read the stories of people who work to protect this endangered animal.


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There’s a lynx in my backyard!
Humans and wildlife in Switzerland share the same landscape but because they use different aspects of it, they may never encounter each other.
Baby lynx in Switzerland
© Malini Pittet

Picture a Swiss alpine meadow. On the left is a family that hiked up and is now sitting around a fire. On the right, a couple of mountain bikers are hurtling down the slope. Not far away below the tree line, a mother lynx watches over her three kittens. Who could possibly imagine that all these people are enjoying these activities in the core habitat of deer, wild boar, mountain goat, chamois and the secretive lynx!

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The dangerous life of a young lynx and her mother in Croatia
The lynx population is declining in Croatia despite legal protection. Read about the journey of two lynx.
Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx), captive female and kitten, Norway.
© Staffan Widstrand / WWF

A few years ago, a group of Croatian scientists followed for months the lives of two female lynx, a mother and a daughter named Tisa and Luna. They lived in Gorski Kotar, also called “the green lungs of Croatia”, a mountainous area with the richest population of large carnivores such as bears and wolves.

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Bringing the lynx back home
Since 2002, the Iberian lynx is the most endangered cat in the world.
Lynx with kitten
© Staffan Widstrand/WWF

To help the lynx return home, WWF and its partners have worked hard to restore the areas where the lynx used to live and where it can still live today.

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Walking on a safer wild side
Kentaro, a young male lynx travelled more than 100 kilometres in central Spain crossing several motorways.
Caution: lynx
© Iberlince

In Spain, lynx face death every day while attempting to move around their territory.

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