Archive Content

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Climate Savers is a climate leadership programme that seeks to transform businesses into leaders of ... rel= © / WWF-Canada

Commercial markets are among the strongest driving forces behind how we exploit and affect our natural environment. They are both a major part of the problem – and also key to finding, developing and delivering solutions. WWF promotes mutual respect in business dealings, yet we always retain our right to criticize. We seek to develop long-term, strategic partnerships that lead to tangible improvements.

We are partnering with

IKEA on forest protection and sustainable management,

The Coca-Cola Company and Foundation on water issues, wetland conservation and restoration,

Mondi on forest and broader landscape and watershed management.

We also have several more strategic, longer-term relationships at national level in the countries of the Danube-Carpathian region whose scope may be found in our annual report.

We also develop and extend partnerships to secure pro bono services e.g. in polling, advertising and creative services.