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© WWF Bulgaria

© / Graham Eaton

Economy for a Living Planet Forum

The international forum ‘Economy for a Living Planet’ will bring together national policymakers, international economists and sustainable development experts and businesses and public sector leaders from Europe and Asia. A forum like this is happening for the first time in Bulgaria - on 8 June 2017 at the Inter Expo Center in Sofia 

The forum will offer possible solutions on how a multilateral world can successfully transition to a green economy, navigate the current multitude of political and economic crises, and ensure the attainment of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

The purpose of the forum is to highlight the new role and responsibility of re-ordering economic blocs (the EU and EEA), and upper middle income countries (in Central and Eastern Europe and elsewhere) and international development institutions to deploy innovative financing instruments to address our planet’s pressing challenges. We seek to affirm that when there is so much at stake, and so much that seemingly divides the world, our shared aspiration for sustainable development can unite us in a new way and drive the world forward

We believe the forum will initiate serious discussions around these issues, and help formulate new leadership approaches for the CEE countries on multilateral sustainable development

Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, set the European context of leadership on sustainable development and the need to engage partners and organizations, working together in and out of the EU and within member states, to achieve the high ambition of Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement processes moving forward.

He mentioned that we should not forget the EU funds and reminded us that the forum's host city of Sfoia gets its naturally purified water from two protected areas - Rila National Park and Vitosha Nature Park.

Watch his complete speech here.

"The science has never been clearer – it is telling us that human activities are pushing the planet and its natural systems to the edge", said Marco Lambertini, Director-General, WWF International in a video message to the 'Economy for a Living Planet' forum's guests. 

In a video message Pascal Canfin, CEO of WWF-France, presented the work of the European offices of WWF together with the European Commission and key partners on transforming the financial system to enable significant investment in green economy innovations and solutions.

A collection of all video recordings of presentations at the Economy for a Living Planet Forum

Presentations (video)

© WWF Bulgaria


Economy for a Living Planet Forum

A short report from the Economy for a Living Planet Forum can be downloaded from HERE.


Marco Lambertini, Director-General, WWF International, video message

Pascal Canfin, CEO, WWF-France, video message

Deon Nel, Global Conservation Director, WWF-International

Vesselina Kavrakova, Country Head, WWF-Bulgaria

Demetres Karavellas, CEO, WWF-Greece

Guido Broekhoven, Regional Manager China-Africa Trade, WWF-EPO

Julio Tresierra, WWF-Netherlands

Emily McKenzie, WWF-UK and WWF-US, Natural Capital Project

Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, video message

Ognyan Zlatev, Head of the European Commission Representation in Bulgaria

Takayoshi Kato, Policy Analyst at OECD 

Philippe Pypaert, Programme Specialist, Science Unit, UNESCO

Ana Bachurova, Policy & Climate Finance Associate, Energy Efficiency & Climate Change team, EBRD

Luca Etter, Senior Policy Advisor, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation - SDC

Toma Belev, Programme ‘Linking Nature Protection and Sustainable Rural Development’

Kalin Klassanov, Co-Founder & CEO of Roo'bar

More information

Venelina Velichkova
tel.: +359 885 086 670


Inter Expo Center, Sofia - IEC
Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd. 147 
1784 Sofia

Supported by a grant from Switzerland through the Reform Fund Linked to Civil Society Participation, part of the "Linking nature protection with sustainable rural development" project

The WWF-Danube-Carpathian Programme gratefully acknowledges funding support from the European Commission. All content and opinions expressed on these pages are solely those of WWF

© WWF Bulgaria