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Amazon Conservation Vision

Body of water at the Pacaya Samira Reserve in the Peruvian Amazon.
rel= © J.J. Huckin / WWF-US

The Amazon Conservation Vision is a regional initiative developed by the protected area directors and staff of the national protected areas systems (PAS) of the Amazon Countries to support the implementation of the Program of Work on Protected Areas – (PoWPA) of the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) in the Amazon Region. The Vision aims at enhancing Amazon PAS by identifying conservation priorities, ensuring greater representation of all ecosystem types and maintaining ecosystem services, among others.


This is a very important step towards a much needed of protected areas in the global climate change planning and finance regime, and a crucial contribution for strengthening the role of nature-based strategies within the UNFCCC.

Sandra Charity, WWF Living Amazon Initiative Leader said about Protected Areas and Climate Change Declaration.




  • 1983: Protected Areas Directors and FAO create REDPARQUES
  • 2008: REDPARQUES leads the Conservation Vision on the base of work by SURAPA and OTCA for PoWPA implementation. CBD, WWF y UICN give their support; OTCA and CAN participate.
  • 2010: COP10 CBD (Aichi) Vision Regional Action Plan and Report are presented – Ministers of Environment of Amazon countries give their support. The Vision is recognized in Decision X.31
  • 2012: COP 11 (India) A report is presented and the Vision is recognized in Decision X1.24  
  • 2016: COP 13 (Mexico) Progress in the implementation of Amazon Vision Projects will be presented


  • Promotes the creation and maintenance of national and regional protected areas systems, which are complete, effectively managed and ecologically representative.
  • Supports the implementation of the PoWPA at a national level.
  • Contributes to the Development Plans and Strategic Plans for Biodiversity in Amazon countries.
  • Contributes to meeting the Aichi Targets.

Protected Areas, Natural Solutions to Climate Change ( NASCC)
The  Latin  American  Network  for  Protected Area Systems Red Parques and WWF  Living  Amazon  Initiative  are leading a regional effort to strengthen Amazon Protected  Area  Systems  and include  the  role  of  Protected  Areas in  climate  change  strategies  and  development  plans  through  the  project ‘Protected Areas: Natural Solution to Climate  Change NASCC’ funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety BMUB as  part  Implementation  of  the  Amazon  Conservation Vision.
Amazon Protected Areas are key in helping communities and nature adapt to a changing climate. They build  resilience  to  climate  change  globally,  mitigate  the  impacts  of  climate  events,  ensure  provision of  ecosystem  services  and  protect  biodiversity.  Protected  Areas  should  be  included  in  climate  change  strategies  and  development  plans  of  the  Amazon  countries  in  order  to  facilitate  climate-resilient  development and promote a safer climate future.


Amazon Vision & NASCC project News

COP21: Protected Areas thriving at Paris Climate Conference

COP21: Investing in Protected Areas is the most cost- efficient strategy for climate change adaptation

18 countries from Latin America call for the inclusion of protected areas in Climate Negotiations at COP21

Suriname joined the Declaration on Protected Areas and Climate Change

COP21: Official Announcement of the Declaration on Protected Areas and Climate Change - Press Conference

The Prince of Wales applauds Declaration on Protected Areas and Climate Change

COP 21: 16 Latin American countries call for the Inclusion of Protected Areas in Climate Change Strategies

Interview: Sandra Charity, Living Amazon Initiative leader 

REDPARQUES Board approved the Climate Change and Protected Areas Statement, to be delivered at the COP 21 event

REDPARQUES makes good impresion in getting protected areas recognized as natural solutions to climate change.

¿Why talks about protected areas in the Bonn UN climate talks?

Entrevista al nuevo coordinador de la Red Latinoamericana de Parques Naturales y Áreas Protegidas REDPARQUES.

Representantes de 7 paises Amazónicos se reunen para discutir sobre áreas protegidas y cambio climático

Municipality of Colón is leading management on climate change.

Adapting to climate change: A new meaning to the Conservation and Management of Protected Areas of the Amazon…

Climate COP 21: The Amazon, a solution to natural change adaptation…

Interview: Julia Gorricho, director of the Amazon Vision: Protected Areas, Natural Solution to Climate Change project (NASCC)…

Amazon Regional Course brought together Protected Areas and Climate Change Officers…


Climate Risk Index rel= © WWF Living Amazon Initiative

  1. By 2016 climate change vulnerability assessments of the Biome and its protected areas, as well as the role of PA in service provision will be available.
  2. By the end of 2016, climate change strategies and planning tools will be developed by local actors and applied by local communities to reduce ecosystem and human vulnerability in the Eastern Cordillera Real
  3. By the end of 2016, the Amazon Conservation Vision will be recognized as an international framework that includes the NPAS as an effective tool for climate change adaptation. 
  1. Colombia: PNN Alto Fragua
  2. Ecuador:  Corredor Llanganates Sangay
  3. Perú: Santuario Nacional Tabaconas Namballe

Statement Project Area rel= © WWF