Their Stories...
Kawaka J Fanuel, Kenya
Recognizing the role of below ground biodiversity in enhancing food security in Kenya.
I will always remain indebted to WWF International (PBS grant for Nature Conservation) for the generous support towards my graduate research project. The award facilitated my research that focused on assessing the impact of land use on selected soil organisms in Embu and Taita districts, Kenya.

Soil organisms provide essential services towards sustainable functioning of all ecosystems however their population is reduced through increased conversion of forests to agricultural land. The main aim of my project was to generate information and knowledge that can be used to conserve below ground biodiversity in tropical agricultural landscapes. The project identified favorable land use practices that promote sustainable use of soil organisms for environmental conservation and enhancing food security among the local communities in Kenya.

The success of this project entirely depended on Prince Bernhard Scholarship, once again thank you and keep on building the capacity of future world conservation leaders through training.
Kawaka Fanuel displaying soil samples he collected for nematodes isolation 
© WWF / Kawaka J Fanuel
Kawaka Fanuel displaying soil samples he collected for nematodes isolation
© WWF / Kawaka J Fanuel