The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
- Ms Viviana Albarracin (Bolivia) will pursue a Masters in Ecology & Conservation at Universidad Mayor de San Andres, Bolivia. For her research, Viviana will work with indigenous communities to understand their traditional knowledge of carnivore and bear conservation.
- Mr Arvin Coc (Belize) will participate in the Protected Areas Management Training Course at Colorado State University. Arvin is Cayo Parks Manager at Belize Audubon Society, one of WWF's main partners in the region
- Ms Damasia Ezcurra (Argentina) will participate in the Enviroschools Programme in Hamilton, New Zealand, and apply this knowledge to her work at Ministry of Education (Green Schools Programme) & University of San Andrés (Education for Susatainability)
- Mr Ricardo Mastroti (Brazil) begins a Biomimicry Professional Certificate Programme at Biomimicry 3.8, Montana, USA. The programme builds on the core values of biomimicry: ethics of sustainability, innovative emulation & reconnection with the natual world
- Mr César Mendoza-Rivarola (Paraguay) has begun a Masters in Management & Conservation of Tropical Forests & Biodiversity at CATIE, Costa Rica. César's studies have a direct link to the conservation and sustainable development of the Atlantic Forest
- Mr César Peñaherrera-Palma (Ecuador) is in the final year of his PhD in Quantitative Marine Science at University of Tasmania, Australia. César will then continue his work with the Charles Darwin Foundation and apply his research to shark conservation
- Mr José Carlos Pons Ballesteros (Mexico) is doing a Masters in Environmental Management at the School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, Yale University, USA. Jose has previously worked with WWF Mexico's Freshwater Programme