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I am Gabonese (Gabon), living in South Africa and I am currently doing my (B-Tech degree)honours degree in Nature Conservation at Tshwane University of Technology. Because of my background in conservation, I was looking for one of the best company in conservation in order to have some experience. Fortunately I was in love with WWF and I had it in mind; therefore it was easy to get there.

Jeff Walgan Ossanda

© Jeff Walgan Ossanda

My Experience with WWF in Madagascar
After arriving in Tana on the 22 of April 2013, WWF offered me (all volunteers) classes for learning an African language that I have never thought about. This was to help us socialize with the new beautiful Malgach community.

After five days of learning the language we were taken around different provinces in order to discover the beauty of Madagascar that I heard about since I was young. This was fabulous ! at the end of the visit we were directed to Fandriana where our holidays were made perfect by the community and by the WWF staff members. Where we were involved in different activities, like play Basketball and soccer.

From Fandriana, we were taken to Andakana where we met wonderful people again who were patient with us when speaking the new language. There, the work of WWF was done through Environmental education, inventories of trees, nursery, reforestation and many other activities that we cannot numbered.
Because of the fact that we loved the community, we decided (Jeff & Richard)to teach different subjects such as Mathematics, Physics, Biology, French and English to the kids from high school. And through this, WWf was more respected and appreciated by the community.
La journee mondiale de l'environnement

From Ankarnurou, we were again taken by WWF to visit another community. With this one we had a pretty time!

WWF as an official sponsor of environment day celebration, decided to bring different communities from south, east, north and west to come and enjoy the wonderful moments. A soccer tournament was organized where the two men of the group (Richard & Jeff)and the American lady (kate) were invited to play. The joy of this moment was up to the sky; as we can see the WWF representative CEO at Fandriana could find himself with the community and celebrate the greatest event ever.

The celebration took tree days and this was unforgettable for the communities. At the end we were accepted in the new community and during the festive, a massage on the conservation of the biodiversity, fire bush.........was proclaimed or given. A cow was slaughtered and all the individuals had a feast . And new WWF offices were inaugurated.