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Why Explore?

My interest upon environmental issues began in the mid-2000s, when I was still in high-school. At that time, the medias were starting raising concerns about global warming, ice-melting, sea-level rising, and they were stressing on the catastrophic foreseen scenarios that would have happened without a drastic global endorsement. One of the issues that was of particular interest for me at that time was deforestation, especially in the Amazonian rainforest. I thought it was absolutely unbelievable that the so-called “green lung” of the planet was undergoing such an unstoppable massacre.
This first spark later led me towards studies in Natural Sciences, and, last year, induced me to apply for the WWF Volunteer Programme, as a response to my increasing willingness to apply on the field what I had been studying for three years, but also to fulfil my dream of having a unique volunteering experience abroad for a while.

Although my project in Madagascar finished almost 6 months ago, the images and the souvenirs of that project are far from having been removed. My vision of environmental issues, and particularly conservation, has been changing through time, especially if I compare it to the one I had at the very beginning. I think my experience in Madagascar was an important turning-point regarding my understanding of how conservation works and how, in general, environmental concerns are faced, especially in developing countries.
In front of the Pic d'Ivohibe

© WWF / Adrien Lindon

Enabling people to use their natural resources in a sustainable way

Some advice
I personally think that this programme is a great opportunity. Whether you are particularly interested in conservation or not, an experience like that will surely change, even just slightly, some aspects of your life. Whatever will be your own experience (I guess significantly different from mine or whoever else), it will represent a small but underlying step of your life, regardless of what your life will be.

Ring-tailed lemur in Anja rel= © WWF / Adrien Lindon

As a last sentence, I transcribe what someone told me before I left for Madagascar : “Your luggage is empty and you are there to fill it in : get the more free space you can for what you’ll find”. Good luck!
My article in WWF-Italy's Panda Magazine, February 2013
And now?

Back from Madagascar in August 2012, I’m now doing a Masters in Conservation of Biodiversity for one year. My experience with WWF is a useful background and is providing me good insights. Although I’m not really sure on where I want to orientate my future, I know that I will stay within the conservation field.

Feel free to contact me if you want some more information, any suggestions or just to share some ideas on conservation!

L'action du WWF à Ivohibe
Ou comment planter des carottes protège la forêt...

Un film d'Adrien Lindon, Jordon Traill et Marc Sivignon, volontaires WWF Explore! 2ème vague (mai-août 2012) à Ivohibe, Madagascar (projets : Programme Holistique de Conservation des Forêts et Renforcement de la Société Civile).

A few of my photos