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About Me

My name is Vida, am a undergraduate student living in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. I'm studying major Environmental Science in Pannasastra University of Cambodia. I love to learn everything surrounding myself, protecting Cambodian nature is my duty. For the last 1 year, I was an intern with WWF, I learnt so much from both kind people and works in WWF.
Elephant DNA Survey
The Eastern Plains Landscape in Cambodia (EPL) probably has the largest remaining wild elephant population in Cambodia. Elephants are an Endangered species and their former range has been dramatically reduced in recent times, all of Asia. The EPL is a large landscape with 5 connected, protected area network of over 1,000,000 hectares. However, in recent years, the threats to the landscape have increased, so it is critical to monitor this important population. This survey is conducted by WWF and WCS in 3 protected areas.

Phnom Penh Wildlife Sanctuary (PPWS) is the beautiful forest of the eastern Cambodia. It is the wildlife habitats for all endangered species. There are approximately 40-50 kilometers from Sen Monorom, Mondulkiri town to Memong commune and then we headed to the forest with motorbikes carrying our stuffs. Stayed in the forest for 10 days with WWF researchers is the most wonderful thing in my life. I learnt so much from them. The second day we started walking in the forest and looking for the elephant dungs everywhere in the decidous forest and evergreen forest. The process of collecting the dungs is very technical. We have to wear gloves, mask, and be very careful with the dungs because what we need from the dungs in the DNA.

PPWS is so beautiful, I saw 7 bantengs and wildpig. At night time, I heard muntjac sound and elephant broke the tree branch. It was so muce and also the best experience I ever had.
Part of Enforcement River Guards in Kratie province, Cambodia
Kratie is one of province of Cambodia locaed in northeast. It borders Stung Treng to the north, Mondulkiri to the east, Kompong Thom and Kompong Cham to the west, and Tbong Khmom and Vietnam to the south.

Mekong dolphin is idyllic species in the Mekong river. Millions of people in Cambodia that living along the Mekong tiver is depending on them. Irrawaddy dolphin provides ecotourism, source of food (fish), and healthy Mekong river. People that are living there, they earn an income from Homestay, boat tourist (to see dolphin), selling dolphin sculpture.

I've been there to do Communications works. Interview local people such as Homestay owner, Communities fisheries (who protect the dolphins) and chicken farmer. Below here are the link to access the articles about livelihoods that I supported Communications team to complete them.
Part of Don Sahong Dam Handover Petition - September 11, 2014
Just 85 Mekong Irrawaddy dolphins survive today in a small stretch of the Mekong River. And the new proposed hydropower project, Don Sahong Dam could give big impacts on people who living on lower Mekong and could herald the extinction of this rare Irrawaddy dolphin and many species.

On September 11, 2014, WWF-Cambodia launch the handover petition under the message "Stop the Don Sahong dam and Save Mekong dolphins". About 100 of the people were participated the event, including Cambodian youth and community people to share their concerns about the impacts of the Don Sahong dam. More than 268,000 people signed a petition calling for a stop to the Don Sahong Dam. I was a part of the event, I gave full supported for the Comms team to launch the event. I really appreciate WWF team to work together to make this event happen. It is really important for Cambodian people, to let them know how the Don Sahong dam will effect to the Cambodian people who live-in surrounding the lower Mekong River.
Earth Hour Cambodia
Being a part of Earth Hour Cambodia is a great opportunity. In Cambodia, Earth Hour has been celebrated since 2012. Cambodian youths, private sectors being celebrated with WWF Cambodia in a symbolise of "Switch off the lights" for one hour.

In this case, I am also a part of WWF-Cambodia Communications Team that working with Cambodian youth to make this event happened. It is a huge success for Cambodia that more than 3000 people participated with us.


Become a environmentalist is very hard. It's also very importance subject to learn and work for, but learning only in school is not enough. We won't understand how environment issues is happening in our own country. I love wildlife and nature. In order to save all of these natures, only the next generation can protect all of these precious natures.

12 months of interned with the Communications Team in WWF-Cambodia is such a great opportunity for me. Thank you for considering me for this exciting opportunity. It was a wonderful experience, and made me even more sure that I would like to pursue a career in helping to protect the nature. Over the course of the internship, I was able to spend many hours with the people, talking, listening, and help many things. I truly appreciate the confidence that WWF showed in me by giving me this internship. 


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