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© Dawa Steven Sherpa / Asian Trekking
Our TEDxWWF Speakers
Dawa Steven Sherpa
At 27 years of age, Dawa Steven has climbed four 8000m peaks by, including Mt. Everest twice. Since 2008, Dawa Steven has organized the successful Eco Everest Expeditions to draw attention to the impact of climate change on the Himalayas and to field test eco-friendly approaches to running a major mountaineering expedition.

Check out his talk 

© Dawa Steven Sherpa


Isabelle is a French solo yachtwoman, and the first woman to have sailed around the world in a competition. She is also Vice-Chair of the group in charge of the delicate meeting between the sea and the Earth within the political process known as the "Grenelle de la mer". 

Check out her talk

© Isabelle Autissier

Over the course of his career he has run a family farm, taught at Harvard and Yale, worked in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, helped create hundreds of products such as Rainforest Crunch with Ben & Jerry’s, and spent more than twenty-five years working with human rights and environmental organizations. 

Check out his talk

© Jason Clay


Jane created Thoughtless Acts? Observations on Intuitive Design (Chronicle Books, 2005), a collection of snapshots that depict the subtle and creative ways in which people interact with the world. Jane believes that everyone is creative and resourceful at heart and finds great rewards when tapping into that capacity. 

Check out her talk



Andy Wales is Global Head of Sustainable Development for SABMiller, one of the world’s largest brewers. He is lead author of the book Big Business, Big Responsibilities.. His favourite beers include Peroni from Italy, Royal Challenge from India and Miller Chill from the United States.

Check out his talk

© Andy Wales

Will Day
Will Day spent 20 years or so working with a range of relief and development NGOs in Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan and Somalia. He was involved in the establishment of hugely successful Comic Relief, a fundraising and grant making organisation in the UK. 

Check out his talk

© Will Day


WWF's Global Species Programme Director Dr. Carlos Drews argues that because we are all connected, conservation is everybody's business.

Check out his talk

© Carlos Drews / WWF

James Alexander
James is a highly innovative and practical business creator, builder and strategist. He is currently a Partner of The Foundation, a leading specialist growth consultancy, a Trustee for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) and a Trustee and former CEO of Green Thing, a public service that inspires people to lead a greener life.

Check out his talk

© James Alexander


Formerly a violinist with the London Symphony Orchestra Michael Spencer moved from being a full time performer to becoming Head of Education at the Royal Opera House. Subsequently he founded Sound Strategies, a consultancy working with music and the Arts in educational settings and business cultures.

Check out his talk

© Michael Spencer

Justin Hall-Tipping
Justin Hall-Tipping had an epiphany about energy after seeing footage of a chunk of ice the size of his home state of Connecticut falling off Antarctica into the ocean, and decided to focus on science to find new forms of energy. Justin works on nano-energy startups – mastering the electron to create power. 

Check out Justin's talk

© Justin Hall-Tipping


Stuart has been with WWF since 2006 and works with the private sector on a range of water related activities, from water footprint to public policy engagement.

Check out his talk

© Stuart Orr

Kamal Quadir
Kamal Quadir is the CEO of bKash, a mobile financial company that brings convenient, affordable and reliable financial services to low-income people.

Check out his talk

© Kamal Quadir


Rory Sutherland, Vice Chairman of the Ogilvy Group UK, has worked on Amex, BT, Compaq, Microsoft, IBM, BUPA, easyJet, Unilever, winning a few awards along the way.

Check out his talk

© Rory Sutherland

Mike Barry
Mike is Head of Sustainable Business at the UK retailer Marks & Spencer. He was part of the small team that developed the company's groundbreaking Plan A, a 100 point, 5 year plan to address a wide range of environmental and social issues. He helps provide the vision and the energy to affect change and ensure a leading but efficient approach to sustainability across the company.

Check out his talk

© Mike Barry


Anthropologist, conservationist, pilot, he worked to control the bushmeat trade and protect endangered wildlife in Central and Eastern Africa. His main focus has been support for African wildlife rangers in remote and difficult national parks and reserves.

Check out his talk

© Emmanuel De Merode


TEDxWWF brought together forward-thinking speakers who shared their endeavours and insights (scientific, adventurous, artistic or otherwise) that question and change the way we think, live and work to meet the challenges of living on our one planet.

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