Archive Content

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WWF's on-the-ground work is powered by the dedicated people in our expert programmes – including leading conservation scientists, policy experts, economists, lawyers, and communications experts.
These specialists bring their extensive knowledge and skills to develop and implement solutions for biodiversity conservation and sustainable living across the world.

Their work includes:
  • working with governments, local communities and park managers to establish and manage protected areas
  • undertaking research
  • establishing and supporting certification and other schemes for sustainable commodities
  • commissioning and publishing impartial data
  • developing advice for governments, business and international conventions
  • changing business practices
  • awareness raising 
  • lobbying decision-makers.
WWF and Canadian Wildlife Service / Environment Canada scientists conducting polar bear research. ... 
© Kean Moynihan / WWF-Canada
WWF and Canadian Wildlife Service / Environment Canada scientists conducting polar bear research. Wapusk National Park, Manitoba, Canada.
© Kean Moynihan / WWF-Canada