Community-Based Natural Resource Management Stocktaking Exercise in Tanzania
Posted on May, 20 2013
This CBNRM stocktaking report is part of the regional initiative under the Southern Africa CBNRM (SACF) forum. This CBNRM stocktaking exercise in Tanzania was financially supported by 1/ WWF- Coastal East Africa Global Initiative (CEAI) grant funding and; 2/ by WWF-Namibia with USAID grant. The preparation of this report benefited from a great deal of advice and guidance from the SACF secretariat in Zambia, WWF-CEAI and WWF-Namibia.
The Tanzania Natural Resource Forum (TNRF) has embarked on a process to establish a series of dialogues on CBNRM. The aim of this initiative is to provide a platform for multi-stakeholder exchange of information, sharing experiences and agreeing on a common course for the success of CBNRM in the country. The platform will disseminate information on CBNRM successes, challenges and areas needing more focus in the natural resource sector, thereby promoting learning and providing opportunities to influence CBNRM practice and policy in ways that can lead to success. It is against this background that TNRF undertook a national stocktaking exercise on CBNRM (see attached terms of reference). This initiative is also part of the regional Southern Africa CBNRM Forum (SACF) of which TNRF is a focal point for Tanzania.