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WWF has worked in Brazil since 1971, but officially opened its office there in 1996. WWF runs dozens of projects here in partnership with regional NGOs, universities and government agencies. It develops activities to support research, legislation, public policy, environmental education and communication. in particular, many conservation projects are aimed at stimulating sustainable economic alternatives that both involve and benefit local communities.

Founded: 30 August 1996




CLS 114 Bloco D - 35 - Asa Sul,<br /> DF,<br /> 70377-540 Brasília - Distrito Federal


+55 61 3686-0632

WWF in Brazil


Communications Department

WWF Brazil,
+55 61 3364 7400

Latest Brazil News
15 Jun 2015

Delegates from around the world are now together in Bonn, Germany, at a meeting of the UN Framework ...

Why talk about protected areas in the UN negotiations?
15 Jun 2015

REDPARQUES, the Latin American network of protected areas system directors is making progress ...

REDPARQUES makes good progress in getting protected areas recognized as natural solutions to climate change
18 May 2015

A new research report commissioned by WWF concluded that the average EU citizen consumes 61 kg of ...

WWF: Average EU citizen consumes 61 kg of soy per year, most from soy embedded in meat, dairy, eggs and fish
16 May 2014

A 12-day field survey of Brazil’s Juruena River will provide new information about the river’s ...

Amazon survey investigates fish and communities in region targeted for hydropower development
14 Jan 2014

The invisibility of soy on supermarket shelves masks the major contribution that it makes to ...

Hidden soy on supermarket shelves masks assault on nature
16 May 2013

WWF calls for a common vision for Amazonian river basins that are the site of large-scale mining ...

WWF tool measures cumulative impact of hydropower, mining projects in Amazon
06 May 2013

Collaboration on forest monitoring outside Brazilian Amazon is announced

Keeping an eye on deforestation
20 Sep 2012

Big agribusiness gets a pass from Brazilian House of Representatives on reforestation obligations, ...

House reforms to Brazil’s forest code open loopholes for continued deforestation
21 Jun 2012

With negotiations at an end, WWF Director General Jim Leape today issued the following closing ...

WWF Rio+20 closing statement
19 Jun 2012

Despite a late night negotiating session, the revised text is a colossal failure of leadership and ...

WWF: Rio+20 Negotiating Text is colossal failure of leadership and vision

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The new protected areas will help protect the endangered Brazilian jaguar (Panthera onca) and other Amazon species.
© The new protected areas will help protect the endangered Brazilian jaguar (Panthera onca) and other Amazon species. © WWF / Michel Gunther

Who lives in the Amazon? What species are found there? What threats do they face? And what is WWF doing about it?
Find answers to these questions and much more in our Amazon mega feature.