Huge new Ramsar site declared in Mozambique
Posted on November, 11 2015
Mozambique announced the Ramsar designation of the 1,327 mill ha North Bank of the Zambezi delta, turning one of Africa’s largest deltas into one of the continent’s most important Ramsar sites.
Mozambique announced the Ramsar designation of the 1,327 mill ha North Bank of the Zambezi delta, turning one of Africa’s largest deltas into one of the continent’s most important Ramsar sites. Combined with the 688,000 ha Zambezi delta South Bank site, designated in 2006, the new Ramsar complex now expands to 2,015 mill ha. The delta is one of the world’s most biodiverse and productive systems, and the most important wetland on the Indian Ocean coast of Africa. It provides a wealth of ecosystem services vital to the food security and socio-economic development of more than 300,000 people. WWF has been supporting the conservation and management of the Zambezi delta for over a decade.
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