Scaling up conservation in the Western Indian Ocean
Posted on November, 11 2015
The 10 parties to the Nairobi Convention have agreed to support an integrated ocean management approach in the northern Mozambique Channel (NMC), a high conservation priority area that is also home to 10 million people.
The 10 parties to the Nairobi Convention have agreed to support an integrated ocean management approach in the northern Mozambique Channel (NMC), a high conservation priority area that is also home to 10 million people. The NMC is rich in marine natural assets, and supports important fisheries and ecotourism vital for the livelihoods and food security of coastal communities, but faces threats from oil and gas exploitation, illegal and overfishing, and destructive development. This decision caps two years of effort by WWF and partners to conceive a joint vision, embed it in national agendas and build a true partnership approach around the NMC.
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