Beluga habitat under pressure

Posted on May, 25 2006

The Canadian Government is opening up part of a protected beluga whale habitat in the Mackenzie Delta and Beaufort Sea to oil and gas companies.
The Canadian Government is opening up part of a protected beluga whale habitat in the Mackenzie Delta and Beaufort Sea to oil and gas companies. According to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), the companies have until the beginning of May to place their bids on two parcels in the region, both of which contain protected whale habitat.

The parcels comprise about 156,300 hectares, one about 70 kilometres west of Tuktoyaktuk in the Northwest Territories, and the other off the northern coast of the Yukon. The Government is offering nine-year exploration licences to the successful bidders, in consecutive terms of five and four years.

Between 20,000–40,000 beluga whales migrate into the area every summer, and depend on the shallow and relatively warm waters for easy access to prey.

Drilling is currently prohibited in the most sensitive areas, but is allowed in the surrounding waters, with some restrictions. Much of the surrounding water is already leased to gas companies.

Federal officials say environmental screening processes will ensure gas explorers don’t damage whale habitat.

Peter Ewins, arctic conservation director for WWF-Canada, said: “The federal government is clearly continuing to respond to the pressure of the oil and gas sector to accelerate finds in the Mackenzie Delta-Beaufort region. And that’s all well and good if there were an adequate marine and land-based conservation plan in place. There is not.”

The NWT Protected Areas St rateg y, the f ramework for setting aside important natural and cultural areas for protection, includes provisions for protecting marine ecosystems. WWF has been strongly advocating for the effective implementation of the strategy.

Nigel Allan