The teachers from eco clubs shared their achievements

Posted on September, 03 2019

At this meeting, eco club teachers introduced their experiences and achievements to newly established eco clubs. Teachers presented on many interesting topics, such as the importance of having an eco club and the students’ involvement in “Plastic free Kherlen” campaign really caught participant’s attention. The eco club activity is very important in the implementation of education for sustainable development, therefore all the soum (county) schools have agreed to establish eco clubs and to submit their annual action plan to the Province Education and Culture Department.
WWF-Mongolia focuses on involving children in conservation and supports eco club activities. The role of teachers is very important for stable and successful function of eco clubs. For this reason, WWF-Mongolia regularly organizes joint trainings and meetings to enhance capacity of the eco club teachers. Within this framework, Onon River Basin eco club teachers meeting was organized by WWF-Mongolia in cooperation with partners in August 2019. The meeting included representatives of the 25 eco club teachers from the Khentii province secondary schools, and representatives from Environment and Tourism Agency and Kherlen River Basin Authority.
At this meeting, eco club teachers introduced their experiences and achievements to newly established eco clubs. Teachers presented on many interesting topics, such as the importance of having an eco club and the students’ involvement in “Plastic free Kherlen” campaign really caught participant’s attention. The eco club activity is very important in the implementation of education for sustainable development, therefore all the soum (county) schools have agreed to establish eco clubs and to submit their annual action plan to the Province Education and Culture Department. In addition, they will focus on eco club experience exchanges and improving the knowledge of teachers.
The local administration's support is vital to the success of eco club activities. Therefore, experts from the Education and Culture Department will be introducing the work and achievements of the eco clubs to Province authorities.
Teachers presented on many interesting topics, such as the importance of having an eco club and the students’ involvement in “Plastic free Kherlen” campaign really caught participant’s attention.
© WWF Mongolia