Ecotourism in the Heart of Borneo: Come and Visit Danau Sentarum, one of a new officially UNESCO’s Biosphere Reserves

Posted on August, 13 2018

World Wide Fund for Nature Indonesia, through Heart of Borneo Programme (WWF-HoB) and KEHATI Foundation through Tropical Forest Conservation Act (TFCA) Kalimantan Program have been targeting Heart of Borneo as one of their priority of action areas for years. Therefore, to reinforce the objectives of the festival, both organizations cooperate and collaborate in supporting the implementation of the festival.
13 August 2018, Jakarta. Today, in Balaiurung Room, Ministry of Tourism Office, Jakarta, Ms. Esthy Reko Astuti, the Expert Staff of Multicultural Affairs and Chair of the Calendar of Events, Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia, launched Danau Sentarum Festival as part of 100 Wonderful Events Indonesia. The theme this year of to “Stimulate Cross-Border Ecotourism in the Heart of Borneo” aims to mainstream ecotourism in Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan, as a locomotive to promote local wisdom, culture and nature conservation as well as to support local livelihood in the area.

The Head of Kapuas Hulu District, A.M. Nasir, S.H in his speech stated that various activities to attract visitors to come to the festival, such as, Traditional Boat Parade, Danau Sentarum Cruise, Honey Drinking Festival, and Cycling in the Heart of Borneo II. “We ensure by coming to this festival, the tourists will not only get a new tourism experience, but they will gain knowledge on how the local communities in Kapuas Hulu interact and maintain their forests, including preserve local flora and fauna,” he added.

Danau Sentarum, an area of 127,393.4 hectares, was designated as a National Park on February 4, 1999 and was appointed as Ramsar Site in 1994. Besides having a tropical rain forest ecosystem, this area also has a lake land ecosystem and freshwater swamp forest; and is a home of 675 species of flora consisting of 97 families of which 13 are rare and endemic to Borneo. It is also a home of many species, including orangutans, proboscis monkey, sun bears, and arowana fish. As a National Park, it is mandated to maintain the area as a water regulator (hydrological) and preserve endangered species.

World Wide Fund for Nature Indonesia, through Heart of Borneo Programme (WWF-HoB) and KEHATI Foundation through Tropical Forest Conservation Act (TFCA) Kalimantan Program have been targeting Heart of Borneo as one of their priority of action areas for years. Therefore, to reinforce the objectives of the festival, both organizations cooperate and collaborate in supporting the implementation of the festival.

TFCA Kalimantan Program Director, Puspa D. Liman said, “The launching of the festival is an important step in promoting ecotourism in conservation areas, especially in Kapuas Hulu District''. In addition, the role of the local government, local partners and tour operators, as a partner and tour operator, is an integral part in promoting the event.

During the launching, WWF-HoB and TFCA Kalimantan showcased some of the organisation’s work with local communities to support local government’ efforts in promoting the Visit the Heart of Borneo – a multiyear campaign to promote the Heart of Borneo as ONE ecotourism destination.

WWF-HoB Leader, Iwan Wibisono emphasized, “In July 2018, Danau Sentarum officially enlisted in UNESCO’s Biosphere Reserves list on the international event held in Palembang. The festival will be a worthy event to share the achievements, showcase the beauty of the area, and most importantly disclose local wisdom or local community’s participation in preserving the nature.”

The festival which may take place on 25-28 October 2018 is the fourth and is now part of a bigger event of Visit the Heart of Borneo Campaign. Don't hesitate to step foot and visit this festival!

Visit the Heart of Borneo  

More information, please contact:
Arum Kinasih, Communications Assistant, WWF-Heart of Borneo | HP: +62 856 808 3689 | Email:

Hamda Khairuzani, Data and Information Assistant, TFCA Kalimantan | HP: +62 852 7455 4275 | Email:
jimmy syahirsyah, danau sentarum, kapuas hulu, heart of borneo, HoB
Danau Sentarum National Park in Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
© WWF-Indonesia/Jimmy Syahirsyah
Arum Kinasih, Danau Sentarum, Heart of Borneo, West Kalimantan, Kapuas Hulu
The launching of Danau Sentarum Festival in Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia office in Jakarta
© WWF-Indonesia/Arum Kinasih
Arum Kinasih, Danau Sentarum, TFCA Kalimantan, Heart of Borneo, HoB
WWF Heart of Borneo and TFCA Kalimantan jointly held an exhibition during the launching
© WWF-Indonesia/Arum Kinasih
Heart of Borneo, Kapuas Hulu, Danau Sentarum, West Kalimantan, HoB, Arum Kinasih
The Head of Kapuas Hulu District told us that by coming to this festival, the tourists will not only get a new tourism experience, but they will gain knowledge on how the local communities in Kapuas Hulu interact and maintain their forests, including preserve local flora and fauna
© WWF-Indonesia/Arum Kinasih
Visit the Heart of Borneo, HoB, Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia
Visit the Heart of Borneo
© Heart of Borneo
Danau Sentarum. Sugeng Hendratno, West Kalimantan, Heart of Borneo, HoB
Dry season in Danau Sentarum National Park
© WWF-Indonesia/Sugeng Hendratno
Victor Fidelis Santosa, Iban, West Kalimantan, Heart of Borneo, HoB
Women in Iban Long House, West Kalimantan
© WWF-Indonesia/Victor Fidelis Santosa