East Kalimantan Province Leading in Emissions Monitoring and Development

Posted on May, 17 2018

This cooperation agreement is intended to synchronize emissions reduction efforts in East Kalimantan which has been widely initiated by various parties with a land-based greenhouse gas emission data calculation portal system.
To participate in effort of reducing emission and improving forest management, WWF-Indonesia signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Cooperation Agreement with the government of East Kalimantan. Located at the Governor office of East Kalimantan, the signing was done by East Kalimantan Governor Prof. Dr. H. Awang Faroek Ishak, M.M, M.Si., and CEO of WWF-Indonesia Rizal Malik.

This cooperation agreement is intended to synchronize emissions reduction efforts in East Kalimantan which has been widely initiated by various parties with a land-based greenhouse gas emission data calculation portal system. This forest carbon data portal system is an information system based on internet, where data can be utilized by stakeholders in East Kalimantan.

The signing of the MoU is important to support government’s effort to achieve the national government’s target of reducing carbon emission according to the country’s commitment summed up in Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), which is reducing about 29% of the emission with independent effort until 2030. Since both land and forestry are the strategic sectors in emission reduction efforts in East Kalimantan, through the Forest Carbon Partnership Facilities-Carbon Fund (FCPF-CF) program – managed by World Bank, East Kalimantan has opportunity to reduce emissions from deforestation and performance-based forest degradation (REDD +).

Prof. Drs. H. Awang Faroek Ishak, M.M, M.Si. Governor of East Kalimantan stated "This is a good collaborative model between the parties in coordinating and facilitating measurement, reporting and controlling activities that contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the land sector in East Kalimantan Province". Awang continued, "East Kalimantan is one of the provinces in Indonesia who’s ready to contribute to Indonesia's emissions reduction program".

The internet-based data portal platform is initiated by Environmental Department in conjunction with WWF-Indonesia to conduct scientific documents on emission reduction efforts in the land sector in East Kalimantan. This cooperation is conducted especially within the framework of measuring, reporting and controlling activites that caused GHG emission in land sector.

The cooperation is conducted to optimize the planning, implementing and research activities that support the achievement of the Regional Action Plan (Rencana Aksi Daerah/RAD) to reduce greenhouse gas emission in East Kalimantan in contribution to emission reduction in Indonesia”, said the Head of Environment Department of East Kalimantan, Ir. H. Riza Indra Riadi, M.Si.

Rizal Malik, WWF-Indonesia CEO after signing the MoU stated, “Our high appreciation is given to East Kalimantan Government, who’s very enthusiastic in supporting the low carbon emission development, by utilizing internet-based forest carbon data portal system which can be accessed at mrv.kaltimprov.go.id, so that the Government of East Kalimantan can become an example of sub-nation government model in low-emission development". Rizal continued, ”This is the first online-based data cooperation model of calculating, monitoring, and reporting the carbon in Indonesia. In the future, we still need the cooperation from other parties to improve it, so that it can be a scientific basis that supports the decision makers in determining the direction of development ".

The MoU is valid until 2020 and regulates cooperation including support and assistance in technical management of forest carbon data portals, human resource development, data and information gathering, and portal system development (mrv.kaltimprov.go.id) for long-term needs.
For further information, please contact:
Wiwin Effendy
Program Manager of East and North Kalimantan, WWF-Indonesia
Mobile: +62 812 5859 265
E-mail   : weffendy@wwf.id

Ir. H. Riza Indra Riadi, M.Si
Head of Environmental Department, Province of East Kalimantan
Mobile: +62 811 585 006
E-mail   : riza.indrariadi@gmail.com
East Kalimantan, MoU signing, heart of borneo
East Kalimantan Province Leading in Emissions Monitoring and Development
© WWF-Indonesia/East Kalimantan
East Kalimantan (K. Timur), Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo), Indonesia.
© Edward Parker
East Kalimantan, MoU signing, heart of borneo, carbon emission
The signing of the MoU is important to support government’s effort to achieve the national government’s target of reducing carbon emission
© WWF-Indonesia/East Kalimantan
East Kalimantan, Heart of Borneo, HoB
The MoU is valid until 2020 and regulates cooperation including support and assistance in technical management of forest carbon data portals, human resource development, data and information gathering, and portal system development (mrv.kaltimprov.go.id) for long-term needs.
© WWF-Indonesia/East Kalimantan