Hard decisions still not taken at Paris climate talks

Posted on December, 10 2015

Following the release of a new draft negotiating text at COP21 WWF’s head of delegation made the following statement
“We still have the ingredients for an ambitious outcome in Paris.
“But they still haven’t taken the hard decisions yet. Ministers now have just two days to decide to either put us on a path that will limit us to 1.5C of warming, or towards a 3C world.
“The text now includes more options to have all nations come back to the table by 2020 to improve their current pledges. That said, they’ll need to close existing loopholes to make sure any pre-2020 review and ratcheting up mechanism is comprehensive – covering adaptation, finance, and emissions reductions - and does not let some countries off the hook.”
The venue for COP21 in Le Bourget, Paris.
© WWF International