African Development Bank meeting to explore wildlife crime impacts and solutions
Posted on May, 25 2013
During its annual meetings next week, the African Development Bank will host a panel discussion on the threat posed by illicit wildlife trafficking to sustainable economic development in the continent.
During its annual meetings next week, the African Development Bank will host a panel discussion on the threat posed by illicit wildlife trafficking to sustainable economic development in the continent. Bank President Donald Kaberuka, Gabon President Ali Bongo and WWF International Director General Jim Leape will discuss the wide-reaching impacts of illegal wildlife trade, which has evolved recently into a sophisticated transnational criminal activity worth billions of dollars each year.
The event is scheduled to take place at the Marrakesh gathering on Thursday, 30 May, 2013 at 7:00 PM. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore with panelists actions including increased law enforcement, greater customs controls, and strengthened criminal justice.
Africa's elephants and rhinos are under record assault in formerly secure protected areas, which are vital to many countries' economies. Demand for ivory and rhino horn has increased significantly over the past few years in step with the growth of economies of Asia, which is the primary consumer destination for the illegal products.
Read an Al Jazeera op-ed by WWF International Director General Jim Leape and African Development Bank President Donald Kaberuka.
Learn more about illicit wildlife trafficking by clicking here.