GFTN Newsletter - January 2013

Posted on February, 04 2013

WWF/GFTN's special edition on the European Union Timber Regulation.

Special Edition: EU Timber Regulation


Countdown to the EU Timber Regulation: What you need to know
Starting 3 March 2013, placing timber from illegally harvested forests and products derived from such timber will be prohibited in the European Union. WWF/GFTN explains what the regulation is, who it impacts and guidance on how compliance might be achieved in the long term.

Voluntary Partnership Agreements: EU's work with producing countries
The European Union is negotiating a series of bilateral, Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPA) with key timber producing countries. We explain what VPAs are and which countries are in talks with the EU.

Suppliers face bigger onus to verify legality as EUTR takes force

The new regulation doesn't just affect operators and suppliers in the EU. It also has serious implications for companies supplying to Europe.

PAS 2021: providing guidance to promote legal forest trade

GFTN-UK, in conjunction with the British Standards Institution (BSI), has developed new guidance to help the timber industry meet the impending EU Timber Regulation. The new guidance, known as PAS 2021 – Exercising due diligence in establishing the legal origin of timber and timber products – Guide to Regulation (EU 995/2010), is a good practice guidance to support industry efforts in the responsible sourcing of forest goods and sustainable forest management.

Changing attitudes in the EU on effective timber regulation

The EU Timber Regulation gives new responsibilities and trust to operators when it comes to due diligence. But the new regulation is just the first step in a journey towards responsible forest management and trade.

Global trends in timber legality
Recently, several countries have instituted new legislation to combat illegally harvested and traded timber products entering their countries.

Australia latest to tackle illegal logging
In December 2012, the Australian Parliament enacted historic legislation that criminalises the import or processing of forest products from illegal sources. Passage of the Illegal Logging Prohibition Act places Australia alongside the US, EU and other importers in the global effort to reduce pressure on critical forest habitats, protect community livelihoods, and level the playing field for legitimate business.

New legislation bolsters impact of the US Lacey Act
The Lacey Act has proven itself as a low cost, high impact programme, strengthening the market for US-based companies, increasing the demand for legally sourced timber, and disincentivizing irresponsible practices on the ground.

Interview with Anders Hildeman, Global Forestry Manager, IKEA
IKEA’s Anders Hildeman discusses what the company has done to prepare for the EU Timber Regulation, and the challenges and opportunities surrounding this new legislation.

Interview with Koh Ee Lin, General Manager, PT. Seng Fong Moulding Perkasa
PT. Seng Fong Moulding Perkasa (SFMP), a subsidiary of Singapore-based SF Resources Group, is the largest timber flooring manufacturer in East Java, Indonesia, and exports more than 18,000 m3 of wood products annually, including to Europe and Australia. SFMP’s General Manager Koh Ee Lin discusses what the company is doing to prepare for the EU Timber Regulation.

GFTN Toolbox
A list of guides, tools, reports and courses WWF/GFTN offers to help companies understand international laws and trends in the forest industry.

FSC wood furniture, Dorset, UK
© Edward Parker / WWF