Posted on July, 31 2024
Gland, Switzerland (30 July) - The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) today published four
research outputs as an early step in the process for the revision of the SBTi Corporate Net-Zero
Kirsten Schuijt, Director General at WWF International said: “We’re pleased to see SBTi return to its regular process of standards development. Today’s research publications represent strong work by SBTi’s technical teams and are critical to informing the process for revising the SBTi Corporate Net-Zero Standard.
“What we need to see next is robust stakeholder consultation. In the coming weeks, we hope that stakeholders provide their ideas so that future SBTi guidelines can unlock opportunities that both work for companies, and also catalyze ambitious actions that get us closer to a 1.5ºC future.
“SBTi’s newly published Scope 3 Discussion paper provides a holistic view of the current state of research and a broad range of solutions that take into account the challenges companies are facing. The Environmental Attribute Certificates (EAC) Report on carbon credits explores how offset risks need to be overcome for the sectoral transformation needed to achieve net zero. We now look forward to seeing the remaining analysis on the effectiveness of other EACs, such as renewable energy credits and certified commodities, as the complete body of work is examined.”
“The debate on Scope 3 targets doesn’t boil down to “for or against” carbon credits. Most companies are just looking for simpler processes, easier target-setting methods, and practical measures that enable them to focus on the highest impact emissions categories and invest in solutions – something SBTi and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP) should help support.”
For more information, please see WWF’s views on the SBTi revision of Scope 3 requirements, as well as our supporting discussion paper.