The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
Gender and CITES
In reality, wildlife trade, whether legal or illegal, is influenced by gender. The Government of Panama put forward an important proposal on mainstreaming gender in the convention, in particular to address gender-related matters in wildlife trade. This proposal calls for the development of a Gender Plan of Action for the Convention which we at WWF feel is critical. We can’t implement CITES effectively if we take a gender-blind approach.
Indigenous People and Local Communities and CITES
WWF wants to be part of practical efforts to give a greater voice to IP and LCs in CITES meetings, rather than have others claiming to speak on their behalf. We firmly believe that this will improve the quality of CITES decision-making - In addition, we would like to see case studies undertaken in order have a fuller picture of livelihood issues with regard to CITES listings and to identify obstacles to be overcome in the future.