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Turtle Name: Dona Merluza
Deployment location
Brazil - São Paulo

Deployment coordinates

S25,274° W45,258°

Deployment date

12 Feb 2006

Turtle's team in charge and sponsor/s

::: Remarks :::

Dona Merluza was accidentally captured by a fishing boat in São Paulo (BRA). She was baptized off Dona Merluza in reference to the Platform of petroleum that has the same name, located in the place where she was captured.

The transmitter she is using was recovered off Dona Divina who died on January 9 in a fishing net in Espírito Saint. After a period in the coast of Rio de Janeiro (BRA), she it follows, migrating for north, is now at the coast of Bahia (BRA), at Abrolhos Bank.
The leatherback turtle named Dona Merluza. Click to view an enlarged picture. 
The leatherback turtle named Dona Merluza. Click to view an enlarged picture.