© Chris Ratcliffe / WWF-UK
WWF at London Climate Action Week

Financing Our Future: A Net Zero Test for Government Spending

Join us for a sneak preview of WWF’s world-leading Net Zero Test tool, which will allow the UK Government to test whether their spending and taxation decisions are putting the UK on the pathway to net zero. The event will begin with an introduction to the tool, then a panel of experts will discuss the role of HM Treasury in driving concrete, immediate progress towards net zero. In the run-up to COP26, the panel will also discuss the role of UK leadership in global climate action, and the significance of a Net Zero Test in this context.

Natural Solutions for People, Climate and Nature: Co-beneficial Approaches 

Solutions to the triple development-climate-biodiversity crisis exist that can have positive benefits  for people climate and nature. This panel event brings together experts working at this interface to share their understanding of ways garnering these co-benefits politically and in the real world.

Organised by Christian Aid, IIED, RSPB and WWF-UK.

Non-Economic Losses From Climate Change: Implications for Nature, People and COP 26   

The world is experiencing significant losses and damages as a result of climate change, caused by growing CO2 emissions. These impacts are felt hardest in developing countries and in vulnerable natural systems, reinforcing poverty and biodiversity losses.

In the loss and damage debate, there is a greater emphasis on economic loss and damage. However, there is less consideration of the non-economic losses (NEL).

NEL refers to a broad range of impacts that are not easily recorded in financial terms. They may impact individuals (e.g. loss of life, health, mobility), society (e.g. loss of territory, cultural heritage, indigenous or local knowledge) or the environment (e.g. loss of biodiversity, ecosystem services).

This event focuses on the non-economic losses from climate change and will provide a voice for the voiceless, whose lives and livelihoods are most impacted when climate induced NEL occurs. With the increasing importance of nature-based solutions, we need to ensure that as the uptake of this increases, NEL benefits also increase and that poorly planned nature-based solutions don’t inadvertently lead to its further deterioration.


  • Introduction: Sandeep Chamling Rai, WWF
  • Presentation of a developed and developing country case study: 
    Quincy Childs and Sari Ohsada, Six Degrees
  • Indigenous peoples and NEL: Pasang Dolma Sherpa - CIPRED, Nepal
  • Poor people and NEL: Afsari Begum - Practical Action Bangladesh
  • Small Island Developing states and NEL: Linda Siegele - AOSIS negotiator
  • Discussion chaired by Colin McQuistan - Practical Action

Launch: “NDCs - a Force for Nature?” An analysis of nature reflected in enhanced NDCs

The science is clear: we cannot tackle the climate crisis and limit global warming to 1.5°C without nature. That means all climate action plans need to maximise the potential of nature, in addition to rapidly moving away from fossil fuels.

On 1 July 2021, WWF will launch the third edition of the series “NDCs – a Force for Nature?”. This “enhanced” edition will focus on the integration of Nature-based Solutions in the round of enhanced NDCs published in the run-up to COP26 and compare them with the first round of NDCs. As Parties are preparing their updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), this virtual launch will mark 1 month to go for Parties to submit their enhanced NDCs in time to be included in the UNFCCC’s synthesis report.

The “NDCs – a Force For Nature?” report assesses how the 55 parties to the UNFCCC (including the European Union 27 member states) that submitted updated, or revised NDCs as of May 1, 2021 have integrated NbS in their NDC, and how this has changed compared to their previous submissions. It outlines key trends and includes a set of targeted recommendations on how governments and the UNFCCC can better integrate nature for climate mitigation and adaptation in the NDCs.

The event will bring together government and civil society experts to reflect on the report’s findings, share experiences, and discuss how a better inclusion of Nature-based Solutions in NDCs could help in making nature a “climate hero” at COP26.


  • Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, Global Leader Climate & Energy, WWF 
  • Andrea Ledward, Director, UK Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) 
  • Franziska Haupt, Executive Director, Climate Focus
  • Kirstie Lopez Romero​, Ministry of Environment of Colombia
  • Chair: Fernanda Carvalho, Global Policy Manager, Climate & Energy, WWF
Previous events

There is growing concern that if policymakers do not ensure that their response to the health and economic crisis includes addressing the climate crisis, vital ecosystems producing enormous economic, environmental and social benefits could be irreparably changed. Some 1.2 billion jobs in sectors such as farming, fisheries, forestry and tourism are dependent on the effective management and sustainability of healthy ecosystems. In addition, half of the world’s Gross Domestic Product is, to a greater or lesser degree, dependent on nature.

The new 'Nature Hires' new report from WWF and the ILO highlights the potential for a ‘green jobs recovery’ and provides policy recommendations on how governments can integrate Nature-based Solutions in their economic responses to COVID-19.

Speakers include:
  • Marco Lambertini, Director-General, WWF
  • Martha Newton, Deputy Director General for Policy, ILO
  • Vanessa Perez Cirera, Global Deputy Lead, Climate and Energy, WWF
  • Maikel Lieuw-Kie-Song, Technical Specialist, Employment Intensive Investment Programme, ILO
  • Bert de Wel, Climate Policy Officer, International Trade Union Congress
  • Robert Marinkovic, Adviser for SDGs and the Green Economy, International Organisation of Employers
  • Franklin Paniagua Alfaro, Underminister for Environment and Natural Resources, Costa Rica

2020 is a key year for the climate regime. The policies set out in the original climate plans (or Nationally Determined Contributions), published in the run-up to the Paris negotiations in 2015, would lead to warming of 2.9°C by the end of the century. The catastrophic consequences are already well established by various authoritative scientific assessments. The submission of new and enhanced NDCs will determine our future, or whether or not the Paris Agreement temperature goal of 1.5˚C warming will still be within reach. 2020 is also the year when the world has been facing additional challenges to growing inequality and political unrest: the COVID-19 pandemic and the consequent economic crisis.

The few revised NDCs submitted so far represent a very small percentage of global emissions. More ambitious NDCs ahead of COP26 must remain a key priority for tackling the climate crisis and for a green and fair recovery. Using a unique #NDCsWeWant Checklist, WWF has reviewed all new NDCs, and emerging trends and insights will be presented in this webinar in partnership with Climate Action Network (CAN), WWF-Chile and others. We will discuss where submitted NDCs will take us in terms of ambition, alignment with 1.5˚C and other aspects of the checklist. The event will also highlight what needs to be achieved by 2021 in terms of mitigation to keep us on the path to 1.5˚C global warming.

Speakers include:
  • Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, Global Lead, Climate and Energy, WWF 
  • Niklas Höhne, Founding Partner, NewClimate Institute and Creator of Climate Action Tracker 
  • Fernanda Carvalho, Global Policy Manager, WWF Climate and Energy Practice 
  • Pablo Vieira, Global Director, NDC Partnership 
  • Rodrigo Catalan, Conservation Director, WWF-Chile 
  • Marianne Toftgaard, Head of Climate Ambition and Action, Climate Action Network International
Very few of the original Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) submitted in 2015 included loss and damage from climate change. The countries that did include it were those that were the most vulnerable to a direct climate impact, such as small island developing states from sea level rise and African countries facing increasing drought.

As the majority of NDCs are expected to be updated by the end of the year, 2020 is an important opportunity to explore whether and how loss and damage could be integrated into the review process. WWF and Practical Action will host a discussion centered on their recent report.

Speakers include:
  • Dr. San Win, Deputy Director, Climate Change Division, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, Myanmar 
  • Sanjay Vashist, Director, Climate Action Network South Asia
  • Dr. Elisa Calliari, Research Associate, Department of Political Science, University College London 
  • Dr. Erin Roberts, Climate Leadership Initiative
  • Sandeep Chamling Rai, Senior Advisor, WWF International Climate & Energy
  • Colin McQuistan, Head of Climate and Resilience, Practical Action (Moderator)

Enhancing Forest Targets & Measures in NDCs

Country representatives and decision-makers are revising their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to enhance climate ambition and meet the global temperature goals of the Paris Agreement. Nature-based Solutions (NbS) offers great potential, particularly those actions related to forests and food. But this potential is still largely untapped, and more concrete policy actions linked to both mitigation and adaptation potential are needed. This event will provide joint policy recommendations to maximize forest and food related NbS.

NDCs and SBTs: Sharing experiences on the race to net-zero

Countries are preparing their updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Long-Term Emission Reduction Strategies while companies are setting, implementing and/or updating their own emission reduction targets through net-zero announcements and science-based targets.

This event will bring together government planners and company strategists to share experiences on the road to net-zero, to discuss the role of Nature-Based Solutions and to deliver climate positive value chains. The intended outcome is a better understanding of how leading businesses and government can work together to drive all companies to deliver on a 1.5°C future as we approach COP26 where the eyes of the world will be on the United Kingdom.

COP26: An Opportunity to Change the Game for Nature-based Solutions 

Nature-based solutions (NbS) have attracted a growing interest in the climate debate. They are recognized as an important tool in addressing the climate crisis, when done well and when additional to an accelerated phase-out of fossil fuels. The co-benefits generated from NbS for climate change can also address the global crisis of biodiversity loss and help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The COP26 climate talks organized in Glasgow in November 2021 represent an opportunity for the key role of NbS to be recognised, assessed, and sustainably financed, and the UK COP26 Presidency has highlighted nature-based solutions as a key priority for the climate talks.
Despite continuing efforts to slow the rate and degree of human-induced climate change, its impacts are unavoidable and increasing. Climate change has become a megatrend that can disrupt markets, dislocate communities, and have devastating impact on nature and biodiversity. This will have an extensive impact on people and nature, and the international investment community is increasingly recognizing the need to place more of a focus on adapting to a changing climate. As institutional investors in the private sector, and often with exposure to the whole economy, asset owners increasingly recognize that climate adaptation represents significant investment opportunities and approaches to risk management in a way that is consistent with their fiduciary duty and stewardship in a warming world.

To support these efforts, WWF will launch its new Asset Owner Guide on Climate Adaptation during this session. The Guide provides seven recommendations on climate adaptation for global asset owners. The session will involve a short presentation of the Guide followed by a high-level panel discussion.

Speakers include:
  • Deon Nel, Chief Conservation Officer, WWF-Netherlands
  • Peter Sandahl, Head of Sustainability, Nordea Life & Pension
  • Pritha Hariram, Business Development Manager, FMO
  • Piet Klop, Senior Responsible Investment Advisor, PGGM
  • Jacqueline Duiker, Senior Manager, VBDO (Facilitator)
  • Aaron Vermeulen, Green Finance Director, WWF-Netherlands (Presenter)
Climate & Energy: News and blog posts

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