The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
While there is a growing worldwide interest in low-footprint, nature-based tourism experiences, the negative impacts of unplanned and rapid tourism development are being felt in the Coral Triangle. This is why we must prioritize the protection of marine and coastal tourism spots that are of high conservation value.

© WWF / Cat Holloway
Low impact, high value
WWF is working with the private sector through public-private partnerships in tourism developments, showcasing energy and water efficiency, effective waste management, new technologies, and responsible interaction with iconic marine species such as sharks and turtles.In the spirit of collaborative management, private sector stewardship is nurtured for sustained productivity, and tourism operators are encouraged to help manage Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and high-conservation-value areas through best practices and financial mechanisms.
Transforming an industry
WWF is working to promote responsible tourism in the Coral Triangle in the following areas:
Creating a network of MPAs in the Coral Triangle helps to protect high-conservation-value areas on a larger, more interconnected scale.
Using lessons learned from the experiences of different national programmes, WWF is helping craft policies and advocacy and communications products to push for the establishment of even more MPAs—not just to support local fisheries, but to preserve the beauty and diversity that draw tourists to an area and provides social and economic benefits to local communities and resource owners.
WWF is starting to work with cruise ship companies in the region to help reduce the vessels’ impacts on coastal and marine environments, and to raise awareness among their customers on marine issues, and encouraging investment in protecting critical marine environments.
This collaboration will help address marine habitat degradation due to high shipping traffic, pollution, climate change (resulting from carbon emission, and leading to rising ocean temperatures), supply chain impacts, and unsustainable consumption of marine products.
The ‘Developing and Promoting Sustainable Nature Based Tourism in the Coral Triangle’ aims to present business opportunities and a case for conservation of marine ecosystems for the development and promotion of a nature-based, low-impact tourism brand to Coral Triangle governments and the private sector.
Carried out in collaboration with Australian Aid, this effort will promote national green and blue economies in the region, and provide both coastal communities and the private sector with strong incentives to aspire for sustainable marine tourism.
Natural wonders: Sustainable tourism efforts in the Coral Triangle
Learn more about the Coral Triangle through words, pictures and videos from the Coral Triangle website - Amazon of the Oceans
Tubbataha Reef Natural Park - Philippines

© Gregg Yan
Wakatobi National Park - Indonesia

© Jikkie Jonkman / WWF-CANON
Donsol Bay - Philippines

© Jürgen Freund/WWF
Shark Reef - Fiji

© Brent Stirton / Getty Images