The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
Day 1
Keynote – Dr. Victor PH Nikijuluw, DG Fisheries Product Processing and Marketing, MMAF
PDF 81 KBOpening speech – Dr. Gelwynn Jusuf, Lead Shepherd, APEC Fisheries Working Group
PDF 91 KBWelcoming Remarks – Saut P Hutagalung, Project Overseer, MMAF
PDF 74 KBLinking Market Trade and Marine Conservation In Hong Kong – Dr Allen To, WWF Hong Kong
PPT 2.23 MBThe Live Reef Food Fish Trade: Overview and Synthesis – Dr. Geoffrey Muldoon; WWF CTNI
PPT 13.72 MBManaging across provincial, national and international jurisdictions: A case study of LRFF in Indonesia - Akhmad FauzI - IPB
PPTX 1.39 MBThe Live Reef Food Fish Trade (LRFFT) - A supply chain review and breakout discussion for the APEC-WWF workshop - CEA
PPTX 971 KBAn NGO perspective: A multi-sector, multi stakeholder approach to aiding fisheries recovery through establishing a resource managed area - Mavic Matillano - WWF
PPTX 11.27 MBMajor Challenges to Regulating Small-Scale Fisheries and Trade in South-East Asia, With Emphasis on LRFFT – Dr Meryl William; Asia-Pacific Fish-Watch
PPTX 3.32 MBDay 2
Market-based opportunities in East Asia - Arthur J. Hanson
PPT 384 KBUS CTI support programme overview - Maurice Knight Chief of Party - CTSP
PPT 1.19 MBPrivate sector support for an ecosystem approach to mariculture through best practice - Michael Phillips - WorldFish Center
PPT 9.74 MBRegional platforms for collaboration
PPTX 118 KBTraceability and supply chain management of the seafood industry on Chinese Taipei - Dr. Ching-Ta Chuang - National Taiwan Ocean University
PPT 10.65 MBCreating the International Standard for the trade in live reef food fish
PPT 3.03 MBRegional Exchange Workshop on Ecosystem Approaches to a Sustainable Live Reef Fish Trade in the Coral Triangle - John P
PPT 2.06 MBRegional cooperation on policy, enforcement and IUU fishing: the CITES example - Dr Yvonne Sadovy - University of Hong Kong
PPT 8.31 MB