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The WWF Spatial Planning Experiences in Borneo

Posted on May, 31 2018

This report examines the systematic conservation planning methods used by WWF and assesses its roles, results (outputs, outcomes) and contributions to the conservation effort in Kalimantan, Sabah and Sarawak. It also captures the challenges and lessons learned and presents it from a consolidated Borneo perspective for sharing with relevant stakeholders within and beyond Borneo.
WWF has embarked on conservation spatial planning initiatives in Kalimantan, Sabah and Sarawak within their respective economic, social, environmental, administrative and political contexts. These inititives have started and evolved somewhat independently of each other, and have reached different stages of outcomes. 

This report examines the systematic conservation planning methods used by WWF and assesses its roles, results (outputs, outcomes) and contributions to the conservation effort in Kalimantan, Sabah and Sarawak. It also captures the challenges and lessons learned and presents it from a consolidated Borneo perspective for sharing with relevant stakeholders within and beyond Borneo.
The WWF Spatial Planning Experiences in Borneo, Heart of Borneo, HoB
The WWF Spatial Planning Experiences in Borneo
© WWF-Indonesia/Heart of Borneo