Posted on June, 12 2016
More than ever before, the integrity of the Amazon region is under pressure from unsustainable economic activities and is undergoing unprecedented change. Multiple and interconnected pressures are driven by the economic interests of the countries of the region and the rest of the world.
The Amazon is unique. The world’s largest rainforest and river system spans 8 countries and one overseas territory, and contains one-tenth of the world’s species. Over 2,000 new species of plants and vertebrates have been described since 1999. And yet, in all its vastness and complexity, the Amazon is essentially a single ecological unit. The priority in the Amazon is to ensure the maintenance of healthy forests and connected freshwater ecosystems, along with enhanced climate resilience.
We call for the adoption of an integrated model of conservation at the biome scale that combines protection, sustainable management and where necessary restoration in a sustainable landscape approach. This requires balancing multiple needs and a people-centred approach.
We are delighted to release the WWF Living Amazon 2016 Report which outlines the current status of the Amazon, summarizes key pressures, and presents a few priorities for conservation action in the Amazon biome for the next decade.
We invite you to review this report and join us to help make the Amazon regional approach a reality.