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Protected areas as natural solutions to climate change

Posted on March, 31 2016

Several researchers of protected areas and climate change wrote a scientific article published by IUCN WCPA PARKS, 2016

This scientific article was written by several researchers of protected areas and climate change, Julia Miranda (Parques Nacional, Colombia), Francisco José Prieto (Ministerio del Amabiente, Ecuador), Pedro Gamboa (Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas, Perú), Julia Gorricho (WWF Living Amazon Initiative), Analiz Vergara (WWF Living Amazon Initiative), Leigh Welling (World Commission on Protected Areas, Switzerland), Carina Wyborn (Luc Hoffmann Institute, Switzerland) and Nigel Dudley (Equilibrium Research, UK and University of Queensland, Australia), published by IUCN WCPA PARKS, 2016.

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Protected areas as natural solutions to climate change