The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
Building on more than 40 years of experience in great ape conservation, WWF's African Great Apes Programme aims to provide strategic field interventions to help guarantee a future for gorillas, bonobos and chimpanzees.
© Michel Gunther / WWF
African great apes
The programme works with numerous partners to support projects that help range state governments and their appropriate ministries, wildlife departments and national parks services to:
- improve great ape protection and management
- build capacity within range states
- stop the illegal trade in ape products
- increase people's support for ape conservation.
06 Dec 2016
Recommendations from workshop at International Anti-Corruption Conference in Panama
To conserve viable wild populations of all species and subspecies of the four African great apes: western gorilla, eastern gorilla, chimpanzee, and bonobo.Objectives
- Protection and management: To conserve viable populations of African great apes through improved protection and management.
- Community support: To increase public support for great ape conservation by providing incentives and reducing human-ape conflict.
- Policy: To establish relevant conservation policies, strategies and laws that eliminate ape poaching and unsustainable forest practices.
- Capacity building: To increase capacity within range states to conserve and manage great apes.
- Trade: To reduce illegal national and international trade in great apes and great ape products.
- Awareness: To raise awareness of African great apes conservation.
How you can help
- Visit gorillas. Money earned through gorilla tourism contributes significantly to the conservation of the species – providing funds for conservation projects and creating jobs and bringing other benefits to local communities living near gorillas. To visit the gorillas of Dzanga-Sangha in Central African Republic, contact:
- Give a gift! Buy a "Gorilla's Paradise" WWF gift and help support the Gamba Complex of protected areas in Gabon – home to western lowland gorillas as well as hippos, elephants and much more.
- Buy sustainable wood. By purchasing FSC-certified forest products, consumers, retailers, traders, and manufacturers help protect great ape habitat by encouraging sustainable forestry and limiting illegal logging. Without the FSC label, your timber may well stem from illegal or controversial sources in central Africa.
- Donate to WWF to help support our great ape conservation work.
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